Chapter 16

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"WHAT?" Cooper exclaimed

"H-Ho... How? WHAT? Just--" He said as he put his hands on the table.

"Just start with how?" He asked.

"Well... let's start from the beginning---" I said

"It was sorta my fault that we ended up in the accident. My friends and I had been planning this get together for months and months. I had to beg my parents to let me go... and they did... but I had to take my sister with me. So I agreed and took her---"


"Katerina!!!! You Skive!!! Are you ready to go!!!! We have to stop by McD's for chips!! Hurry up!" I yelled up to my sister.

"Blair! It's not my fault I'm in shambles!" She yelled back.

"It's not a bloody date! Just wear something casual, you idiot!" I told her

"You're the idiot in this, Blair! You must dress like it's your last day!" She laughed

"You've lost your plot. I swear you are a nutter sister!" I yelled as she suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs looking like a complete asshat. She was wearing a bright pink, puffy dress that literally swallowed her. For a 7-year-old she was bee's knees and over the top.

"Come on you weirdo. Dad's waiting for us in the car." I said as I got her in a headlock. She whined the whole time until my father raised his voice at me.

"Blair! Let your sister be. She's little she can be as wonky. You were the same when you were her age." I looked into his golden, honey eyes.

"Dad. Never have I ever owned a dress in my life... except for when Auntie Cassandra got married but I hated the dress so much! So much so that I tore it to shreds---"

"Is that what happened to that dress? I thought you said Max tore it up!" My father caught me in my lie. I swallowed loudly.

"I'm sorry Father... I knew you'd get mad at me if you knew. It was a cock-up." I apologized and I saw him take in a steadying breath before backing out of the driveway.


"BLAIR!!!!!!!!!!" Megan yelled as I knocked on her flat's door. The door flew open to reveal her bright pink hair and aqua eyes, she was more wanker than my sister, which I thought wouldn't be possible but it apparently was. Her nails were bitten to leave only nubs and calluses but still, she paints her nails black.

"You dickhead! Where were you!" Shelly asked behind Megan. Her red hair glistening in the disco light.

"Watch your language! I have my little sister with me. And I would rather not have her become Munter at such a young age." I explained to them. They were suddenly all over my sister, who was super uncomfortable in her dress and started teasing her and tricking her.

"Ey! My sister is getting uncomfortable... let her be mates." I warned them and they backed off. My sister knew my friends but she was used to them being calm and not insane like they are now.

"Since Katerina is here... I think we should try this out?" Megan said as she pulled out an Ouija board out of nowhere.

"No!" I exclaimed

"No no no no no no! Not with my sister. Are you a bloody blighter, Megan?" I continued as she looked at me seriously.

"We shall play this and whoever chickens out is a cad," she announced even though I didn't like it.

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