Chapter 25

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The wind was whipping my hair around as my eyes struggled to open up, Monster by Imagine Dragons was playing in the background urging me to wake up. My eye fluttered open and I was in my Jeep, on a highway with the sound of waves close by, my eyes scanned the scene in front of us as the second verse sounded in my mind.

"If I told you what I was,

Would you turn your back on me?

And if I seem dangerous,

Would you be scared?

I get the feeling just because,

Everything I touch isn't dark enough

If this problem lies in me--"

"I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me,

I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.

A monster, a monster,

I've turned into a monster,

A monster, a monster,

And it keeps getting stronger." Adam's voice joined in and I turned to the driver side of my car and saw his blond hair tossed around in the warm summer air, his eyes were covered with his black shades and was jamming along to the song.

I watched him with a smile on my face as I remembered the first time I ever heard him sing. It was during a car ride along the cliffs of Florida... Wait. I took in the view once more and noticed that we were on those cliffs again. Adam turned to look at me, I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to wake up a bit more.

"You're awake." He said as he gave me a grin, I took a deep breath in as I repositioned myself. I threw my feet onto the floor and stretched my arms behind my seat.

"Yeah... I'm also having some extreme déjà vu." I muttered as I brought my palm up to my forehead to massage it.

"I had the wildest dream... I went back to California because some other gang was threatening to take over the Dragons. The leader turned out to be my ex-friend Carter and I made friends with this loner kid named Cooper, but then I was shot in the parking lot of a club." I scoffed and he turned his head back towards the road with a smile, He looked relaxed with one hand on the steering wheel and the other one underneath his chin.

"Blair, just remember that I love you... and that need you to stay... with me." He whispered to me and I smiled.

"I love you too Adam. Why did you say that so suddenly though?" I asked as my smile fell slightly, he turned his head back toward me with a serious face and pushed my Jeep to go faster. I heard cars whiz past us and were honking, I turned to face the road that was speeding past us, I saw that there was a curve coming.

"I need you to wake up..." I snapped my head to face him.

"Adam? What do you mean?" I asked confused with a tad of fear as he picked up more speed.

Suddenly I was thrashed around in my car, it took me a second to realize that we rammed into the metallic barriers that ran along the perimeter of the road. I let out a scream as it brought me back to the night that half of my family died, but this time we were barreling towards the ocean.



"Doctor her brain activity is going wild!" I heard a female voice yell and someone grunt.

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