Chapter 37

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My back was against the doorframe with my one leg propped up while the other one lay there normally. My elbow was resting on the elevated knee, the ambers from my cigarette gave off a bright hue which contrasted with the dark of the night.

I could see the sun peaking over the horizon slowly... The transition of black to the dark navy was beginning and it only made me think of Shakespeare's play Hamlet,

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; doubt the sun doth move; doubt truth to be liars: but never doubt I love." I rehearsed in a whisper, I could remember many lines from Shakespeare's plays... They were the only books I could read over and over again without getting sick of them... Along with The Mara Dyer Series, The Mortal Instruments and The Hush Hush Series.

"I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say 'I love you'" Adam whispered into my ear and it caused me to snap the gun out. The amusement in his eyes was real and his crooked smirk was everything that a girl could love. I released my breath and lowered the gun but not before punching him in the arm for scaring me.

"What are you doing up? It's not morning yet." I asked confused as he sat down beside me and nudged my shoulder.

"You need to get sleep too you know?" I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder,

"I've slept for much longer than I'll ever need... I'll be fine." He dusted off my words like dust and pulled up the blanket we had scrounged. My feet we bandaged up from my crazy stunt last night, jumping off of the balcony and onto the dry grass was not a smart idea... Especially since it sliced up the bottoms of my feet. They peaked out from under the blanket but I didn't mind, I just wanted to watch the sunrise.

The sunrise was supposed to symbolize a new beginning and yet... I didn't want a new beginning. If anything wanted to wake up young again... when everything was the way it was and no one was dead... But then if they never died... I would've never come to Vista and had the experiences I had. I wouldn't have met Carter, Sam, Trevor, Adam... Or anyone for that matter. I would still be in Britain sipping tea right about now.

"I'm sorry..." Adam blurted out as the sky faded into an orange color,

"For yelling at you."

"It's okay... I pushed you, you only pushed back."

"Still... I shouldn't have yell--"

"Adam! It's fine. You know I'm fine with it." I cut him off and he nodded his head. He suddenly started to laugh, I turned my head to look at him and saw tears had actually started to stream down his face.

"This reminds me so much of Japan when we got captured during our getaway!" I unintentionally snorted at the memory,

We had gone to Japan just for the hell of it and we were in Ueno during the Cherry blossom months. We were walking around when we were attacked from behind, we were going to be used for ransom against the American mafia to hand over the money they owed. We had kicked their butts and they soon realized we weren't part of the Mafia and were just leaders of a gang, we ended up taking the bullet train to Kyoto where we stayed with my friend Rin. Her parents had a house in a crowded neighborhood and we stayed there, I had taken the first watch at that time as well. We also watched the sunrise that day as well.

I laughed at the adventure,

"Yeah! But this time around its a lot more gory and twisted than Japan!"

"Can you not talk so brightly this morning?" Cooper grumbled from under the hood of his sweater. I rolled my eyes at him as Adam just snorted a whole bunch,

"Did he just--"

"Yes... He just used the phrase I say when I'm hungover." I grunted as I ran my hands over my face. Adam stood up and reached out for my hand, I looked at it for a second before looking at the sun. It was blazon red by now and was about to complete the transition, I sighed and took his hand to pull myself off of the ground.

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