Chapter 1

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~ Author's note ~

I love Abel. As I already said in my bio, I like toooo many types of music. LOL.


Um... I guess I just wanted to incorporate some of his new stuff into the thing, hence the title and description...

If you r an XO fan u get what I am saying.

Hope you like it.

While I love you......

xo ~


Blissfully never ending were the songs that replayed themselves in my mind. The songs for last night's concert. By the singer who keeps me up at night, only invading my thoughts. Haha.

Shit!!! I was late for my flight and I certainly wasn't getting fucking bumped from first class. I took my sole suitcase and ran out to the elevator.

An hour and a half later

I was finally in the flight. It was a 12 hour flight and so, I tucked my self in and faced away from whoever was gonna sit next to me. "Excuse me, Miss," I heard a flight attendant murmur. I looked at her and she smiled. "Would you mind too much if this gentleman here sat next to you?" I looked to where she was pointing. My eyes widened. ABEL FUCKING TESFAYE. "Um... Not at all,"I gushed. She smiled clearly understanding me. I smiled and she smiled back. "Sir," she said turning to him. I raised eyebrows to myself and then went back to 'sleeping' as if I was gonna get anymore.

I felt him sit down. I could smell his odd mix of musk, peppermint, cigarettes and so MANY other very goooood things. "Excuse me," he whispered. I knew it wasn't to me. "Um... Are you asleep?" I snapped my head up instantly and looked at him. "Sorry to disturb you. But could you please pass me a mint," he said with an awkward smile. I smiled and passed him the can. He smiled and leaned back. I was FULLY awake sleeping. Haha.

6 hours in:

I took off my jacket and leaned back on my seat. I had a terrible migraine and a crick in my neck. Fuck!!!

I took a swig of water and then decided to go over to the restroom. Problem? His legs (intensively long ones) were sprawled all over. "Abel?" I murmured. He stirred. "Abel?" I whispered again. "Hmm," he said wrenching his eyes open. "So sorry, but could you let me through?" "Shit!" He muttered and sat up straight. "You could sit in my seat. I can't sleep any longer," I suggested. "You sure?" He whispered leaning in. "Yeah," I said. He smiled. I smiled and got up. I moved out and ambled towards the washrooms. I went inside and washed my face a couple of times. I came out and there was an attendant there. "Are you okay, ma'am?" "Can't sleep. Call me Elize." She smiled. "Need something?" "Um... Maybe vodka," I said. She nodded. "I'll bring it you, ma'am." I smiled and walked back. Abel hadn't moved to my seat. I smiled and went in. I looked out the window. "Here you go," she said setting it down. I thanked her and opened up the mini bottle. I gulped down the bottle like some crazy. I downed a couple swigs of water and two mints. I shoved the other two bottles in my bag. I'd need them later.

8 hours in:

We're landing in NYC as the weather was against us. We'd have to fucking sit in the plane. Abel rolled his eyes. "Brilliant," he muttered. "I know right," I reciprocated. He smiled. "Shit, what's your name?" He asked me as if he'd just realised. "Elize," I said. He nodded and leaned back. As we landed, I slowly started to feel a fatigue set in. The attendants were coming around asking if we needed something. "I'd like a black coffee with no sugar," I said. She nodded and looked at Abel. He shook his head. "Why are you going to Toronto?" He asked me. "I belong there," I said with a wink. He smiled. "Wait... How do you know me?" He asked me. "Guess," I said jokingly. He smiled and shook his head. "You smile more these days," I said unthinkingly and leaned back. "Guess it doesn't make you feel comfortable." "Not really. Mystery is better," I said and looked out at the Nothingness of the airport. "I know." I smiled. "Miss?" I heard a female voice say. I turned to her. "Here's your coffee," she said. I smiled and took it from here. "Thank you," I said. She nodded curtly and stalked off. I drank the coffee, sorta burning my tongue and not caring because I wanted to feel less tired. I looked at the empty cup in despair. He chuckled. "You can ask for more. And not look like someone stole your candy." "I wish it was candy they'd stolen," I said with a grin and kept the cup aside. "Have you even eaten anything after that vodka?" He saw that? "Nah." He raised his eyebrows and I nudged him. "I'm odd. Deal with it," I said with a smile.

12 hours in:

We finally took off. I actually managed to fall asleep.

14 hours in:

I got up and took my bag out. I went into the washroom and changed from my jeans and shirt to a pair of black slacks, a white formal shirt and jacket. I put on a pair of boots under the slacks and combed my hair and let it fall freely. I came put and went to my place. He smiled. "I am guessing work." "I wish. Parents." I muttered. He chuckled. "Yeah, I know."

Reaching 14 and a half hours later:

I got off the flight, collected my bag and took my cell out. "Hey dad," I said. "Yes, honey," he said. "Where's my car?" "Private garage 2," he said. "Thanks," I said and disconnected the call. I asked the attendant where the private garages were. She led me to a counter, formalities and more. After, I was led to the garage and finally got to my car. "Elize," I heard Abel say as I waited for the attendant to get the keys. "Hi," I said. "Hey. What're you waiting for?" "Keys." He nodded. It was almost on cue that she came in. "See you," he said. "Yeah," I said sarcastically and smiled.

I rode home and made it to mine in no time. My dad took care of the little things but other than that, I took care of myself. I didn't particularly like my parents' company. They weren't bad. It was just me.

I took a few essentials and then exchanged my car for my bike and rode to my parents'.

"Hey Elizabeth," my mom said hugging me. That wasn't even my legal name. She preferred the longer version of my abbreviated name. "Hey ma," I said.


There wasn't much to do at home. But I wasn't going to the studio today. I leaned on the back of my bed and watched the recorded season of Breaking Bad, not really paying attention. I was looking for her. Elize Cross.

She was pretty. About 5'5, caramel complexion, dark green eyes and dark chocolate brown hair. She walked like she was tempting me but that was just her. Smart ass. literally.

I found her and she was weird. She followed me and she had a few odd, plain mentions of me other account.


The Weeknd is following you.

What????? Why???? How????

I closed my laptop and left. Time for my strenuous job that I love.

I reached and was greeted by a slew of congrats and shit. I thanked them and went into my office. I had loads of work and no time for bullshit. These people were ungrateful and useless. I couldn't believe the company was employing them. My dad needed an evaluation. I had passed mine and gotten where I am. My dad wanted to make me MD and I declined. No place for me in that hierarchical shit. I needed to work my way up or stay down.

Homeward bound:

I stopped as the lights turned red. Fuck you. I thought of just eating out and went with it. I called Felicity and she said she'd be there in fifteen minutes. Our fav restaurant with my best friend. I loved her to death. I had asked her out last year but... I guess we were just meant to be friends. I was glad cause I didn't wanna lose my babe. I reached early and waited for her. "Fancy bumping into you," I heard Abel whisper. I spun around and he was standing there, alone. He was wearing a black shirt, black and white jacket and black pants with a pair of black high tops. We matched oddly enough. I was wearing a white formal shirt, a black knee length pencil skirt and black kitten heels. My black jacket was in my hands. OK, just the colours matched.

"Hi," I replied meekly. "Well, waiting for someone." "A friend." "I see." "You?" "Eating alone." "Wanna join us?" "Wouldn't I be interrupting?" "I don't think she'd mind." "Hey babe," Ellie said. "Here she is," I said to him. "Hi, I'm Felicity," she said and held out her hand. She knew who he was. She smiled at me. Wickedly.

Felicity went home early. Jose issues. Can't believe they are actually fighting. AGAIN.

"So, are you driving or...?" "Driving," I said walking down the pavement with him. "Ah," He said. "See you around," I said. "See you." I nodded and went towards my car. I felt a light hand on my waist. "Elize, you forgot to gimme your number...?"

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