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april 15, 1886, ciel took me in when my house was burglarized. my single mother was kidnapped and found dead a week later. i was found in the basement where my mother had thrown me before the men broke the door down.

her tongue was ripped out.

i didn't want to be anywhere at the time. i didn't want to be alive. very simple. ciel, my cousin, had heard the news and offered to let me live with him.

"y/n, live with me."

it wasn't really an offer but more of a demand. me and ciel weren't always close and the only time i had heard about him was when the mansion had burned down. it was terrible but when he came to see me in the hospital, there was a tall man with him and from his attire i figured it was his butler.

ciel was cold and distant at first. i insisted i would help since i wasn't comfortable with just laying around so i help mey-rin with chores and stuff.

then he introduced me to his butler.

"this is sebastian, my butler."

it was very quick but sebastian was welcoming and even kissed my hand. since ciel and i weren't close, he didn't make much conversation but sebastian would and it was nice talking to him.

today, ciel is having a small meeting with the servants. mey-rin and i were walking but she suddenly turned red and dropped the dishes so we're cleaning them up.

"i'm sorry y/n" mey-rin says, picking up shards of the plates. "my mind just wanders sometimes and since my lenses are cracked, it's hard to see."

she immediately jumps and looks at her finger. she cut herself didn't she?

"don't worry about it rin," i say. "you go and tell ciel i'm just cleaning up."

mey-rin apologizes again and runs off. i pick up the big shards and put them in the trash and sweep the tiny shards. after throwing the glass away and leaving the good dishes in the kitchen, i join the servants in ciel's study.

"ah sebastian, can you catch y/n up? i don't feel like repeating myself" ciel says. i look at mey-rin, finny and baldroy and they just give me thumbs up as they leave the room. well that was a very short meeting.

"miss l/n, master phantomhive is going to be holding a ball next week for lady elizabeth, " sebastian says, standing behind ciel with a warm smile. "and he wants to remind us to be on our best behavior since there will be important guests."

"oh okay" i say. is that really all?

"yes but since you are blood, you won't be working in the kitchen or cleaning up" ciel speaks up. "you'll stick with me and sebastian and sebastian will be picking up a dress for you tomorrow, if you'd like to go with him."

"okay" i say. "who exactly is coming?"

"i just sent out the invitation and the deadline is on friday so i'll let you know then" ciel says, looking at some documents. "now go on."

i nod and walk out. i close the door and just lean on the wall. a ball huh? family will come and then the questions will roll along. although i like elizabeth, she keeps me positive and i do like girly things from time to time.

i never liked the whole arranged marriage especially with family and i was fortunate enough to have a choice in that. my mother was always understanding and didn't always go by customs.

"y/n, shouldn't you be helping mey-rin set the table for dinner?" sebastian's voice makes me jump and i turn to see him with a frown.

"s-sorry! i was thinking too much" i say. my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"well i'll walk with you to the kitchen to prepare the meal" he says. i nod and we start walking down the hallway.

"is ciel ever going to look me in the eye when he talks to me?" i ask.

"master isn't being rude, he is just very busy" sebastian says. "i'm sure the ball will get you two talking."

"yeah" i say. i do wonder why he won't look at me.

"after the chores, me and you will start planning" sebastian says. "i'd rather work with you than the others."

"hey they aren't that bad" i chuckle. suddenly a boom is heard from the kitchen. i jump at the sudden noise but sebastian is already running towards the kitchen. i catch up and look inside to see baldroy holding his flamethrower with a smile. "ah, i might've spoken too soon."

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