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ciel and i are waited for dinner quietly. neither of us brought up yesterday night.

"after dinner, you'll go with sebastian" ciel says. i say okay and eat. this time we are outside in the garden and it was all cleaned up.

ciel was already told about the garden but seemed okay with how it was handled so quickly. mey-rin sets the plates in front of us but my mouth is dry and my stomach does not call for food.

"please eat" mey-rin whispers. i smile at her and pick up my fork and knife. we hear the crickets sound and the cicadas. it's always cloudy so i kept looking at the changing clouds from pink to purple and finally to blue.

they change so fast.


"we will be back, my lord" sebastian says. ciel waves us off and we get into the carriage. the lights of the manor turn off except for the lights in the study.

"he seems pretty upset about aunt angelina" i say.

"yes well master can be sensitive sometimes" sebastian says.

"it's a bit surprising... " i say. "am i supposed to feel sad too?"

"i do not see why you should be," sebastian replies. "you had just met her and she often visited master ciel."

i hum and stare out the window. we arrive at the town and we exit the carriage.

"please stay here," sebastian says. "we won't be long."

the coachman nods and tips his hat. sebastian and i walk to another clothing store and come in. the owner brings the dress wrapped in silk cloth. i guess we won't get to see it.

"master ciel wants it to be a surprise" he says. sebastian thanks the owner and pays the price. we go back and sebastian stops. "would you like to buy candy?"

"no thank you, that dinner has me so full" i chuckle.

"very well then, let's go" we go back to where we were dropped off and we see the carriage. the coachman isn't on there. sebastian stops and looks around.

"um sebastian? where is the coachman?" i ask. we walk closer to the carriage and i stop when i see the dark lump under the carriage. "oh my god... "

i hear something fly through the air and sebastian catches it right before it hits me. it's a butter knife. it would've hit my stomach.

"sebastian!" i gasp. the butler grabs me and takes off into the town. he hides into the closest alley and waits.

"my, i hate taking care of pests" sebastian sighs.

"pest? how rude" we both look up to see a man on the roof. it's claude. the cutlery in his hands and his glasses shine in the moonlight. it rains butter knives and forks but sebastian runs down the alley. i see the utensils impale the concrete to the handle.


sebastian runs so fast, i cannot focus on one thing. i clutch onto him and watch claude jump building to building. how is he able to do that?

"miss l/n, please close your eyes" sebastian says.

"o-okay" i close my eyes and face down. i hear him pick something up and throw it. something whips through the air and hits the target. i look up immediately to see claude gone. sebastian keeps running a few more blocks until he stops. he doesn't sound out of breath at all.

"why is he chasing us?" i ask.

"let us not worry about that," sebastian replies. "let's focus on getting home."

he doesn't sound worried or anything at all so much i just nod.

"i'll take her home" i turn to see alois there with claude. claude's glasses were broken. alois smiles and waves at me. "i haven't seen you in so long y/n!"

he had a bandage wrapped around his head. my eyes widen and i hide behind sebastian like a shy kid. he's here to take me back. he keeps following me. how do i get rid of him?

"my apologies but she will be heading home now" sebastian says.

"not if my master denies it" claude steps forward. sebastian picks me up again and jumps into the air up to the building. my eyes watch in shock as the ground gets farther. the air leaves my lungs.

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