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after alois did that whole champagne thing, i tried to find sebastian or at least liz but that champagne literally went straight to my head. it's still hard and so many bodies are swaying. 

"excuse me" a couple bumps into me and they look at me annoyed. their expression changes when they recognize me.

"our apology, miss l/n" the man says. 

"y/n!" i hear a voice call out but i'm scared that it might be alois. i move through the crowd and thankfully i see finny passing out glasses.

"finny! where's sebastian?" i ask. he looks at me and gives me a smile.

"sebastian? he went into the kitchen to get more appetizers" he says. "are you okay?"

"y-yeah i just drank some... champagne" i say. "it must've went straight to my head... anyway can i stay with you for a bit?"

"yeah sure but i don't know if ciel would like that" finny says.

"fuck ciel" i scoff. i place my hand on finny's shoulder to gain more balance. a few guests come and grab a glass from the silver platter and just say hello. 

"i found y-" i hear a voice behind us and i turn to see alois but he stops and looks at finny. "what are you doing with a servant?"

he emphasizes the word 'servant' in a vile way. 

"finny this is alois trancy" i say. finny puts on a smile and says hello. alois gives a mad pout and scoffs.

"what are you doing hanging around a peasant" he asks, looking directly at me. 

"i live here alois and he does too" i shoot back. "he's my friend."

i don't like those who look down on others because of a label. i was always close with the people who lived with me and mom. she wouldn't even call them servants but living here with ciel... they were called servants but weren't really treated as such. they were treated like family. although it did give that idiotic habit of calling them servants.

alois gives a glare before breaking into a smile.

"i was just kidding!" he laughs and gives finny a hug. finny visibly flinches and slowly responds to it.

"n-nice to meet you" finny says, slowly. alois lets go and grabs my hand. 

"can we go now?" alois asks. "it's almost over and i want to make the best of it."

"... alright" i give in and i immediately regret it when alois gives me a big smile.

"let's go to a room" he says and leads me up the stairs, almost bumping into couples. i look back to see finny looking around.

just stay calm. keep him relaxed and happy until it's over.

we go into the room that he had been in when i bumped into him. what was he doing in here?

nothing will happen. keep him at a distance.

"what are we going to do here?" i ask. alois doesn't say anything and holds the stare. "alois?"

"you're... marvelous" his eyes widen and so does his smile. alois steps closer which makes me take a step back. "that look in your eyes... so beautiful."

my face twists in concern which makes him laugh. stay calm. don't scream or it'll make it worse.

"what's so funny?"

"you." he looks like he's about to pounce before the door opens. my body fills with relief as i see sebastian carrying baldroy in.

"my apologies but it seems like our waiter has overworked himself and we need this room" sebastian says. "y/n can you please bring me some damp towels?"

i quickly nod my head and make my way out of the room to bump into ciel. he leans away and gives me a look before i continue my way to the kitchen. i steady myself as i damp some towels with warm water.

had sebastian come in to help me or did he coincidentally use that room for baldroy? did baldroy actually overwork himself? what did he do to alois?

i rush back to see the lights on and people leaving empty glasses on tables. the ball is ending.

i come up the stairs and to the room to see the trio  sebastian and ciel but no alois.

"thank you y/n" sebastian takes the towel and whips them at baldroy, making everyone flinch. "you can stop pretending now, he's gone."

"ack!" baldroy jumps and stands up quickly. "you asked me to! you're too cruel."

finny laughs behind his tray and mey-rin just smiles. so sebastian did know.

"alright the three of you wrap up this party" ciel says. "make sure everyone leaves and y/n i'll need you in my study later."

ciel walks out the room and i just stare at the door.

i am not going.

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