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it's been almost three weeks and everything has been so intense and scary. sebastian forces me to go into town with ciel and he'd act professional as always. i was scared but complied. ciel would offer me dresses and jewelry but i tried to turn it down, he'd still buy it. ciel would wait until i finished my dinner and have conversations with me, telling me the news and any trades the company made.

i never listened but i'd look at him, at his sapphire eye and think about when would he try to come at me so i can be ready. i escaped alois so i can escape him too. why would my own cousin want to claim ownership over me? it makes me so sick that he'd want to do such things.

"y/n, are you listening?" i snap out of it and realize ciel is looking at me, concerned.

"sorry i'm just very tired" i say. he doesn't say anything and clears his throat.

"are you done or do you want some more food?" he asks. my plate isn't even half way done yet.

"i'll just keep eating," i say, smiling. the silence is so thick and it makes me uncomfortable. "um is it okay if i eat outside?"

"why? it's dark" he says.

"we have lights out there" i say. ciel says no and explains that it's dangerous out there.

"how about you come with me to the library and eat there?" he asks. the library? his eye is displaying a certain feeling, like a hunter watching his prey walk towards the bait.

"well... i don't want to make a mess and get it on the books" i laugh, trying not to sound scared or nervous.

"nonsense, you're a very clean lady," ciel says. "i know you wouldn't."

i feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately jump at contact. it's sebastian.

"let's go, y/n" he says. i sense the two staring at me so intensely, it's overwhelming.

"a-actually," i stand up and walk away from them. "i need to do something with mey-rin and the boys."

they just stand there and stare. i walk out and once i exit, i run to the kitchen. there is mey-rin and baldroy washing the dishes. finny must be outside. they both look up and see how shaken up i am.

"y/n-" i put my fingers to my lips and silence them. baldroy and mey-rin look at each other concerned then back at me. i walk past them and into the door that leads to the garden. there i find finny looking at the plants and fixing soil. walking up to him, i sit down next to him and do the same gesture to silence him.

"i need to leave," i whisper as low as i can. "i need to get out of here... now."

finny looks at me concerned.

"no, smile," i say. "laugh."

his frown disappears and he laughs as if i said something funny. i look up towards the window and see ciel looking down at us from his room. his arms are crossed across his chest. i look more high and stare at the edge of the roof before turning to finny again.

"i need to go somewhere, where can i go?" i whisper. finny laughs again.

"you are really funny! should you be a comedian?" he says. "go on and take the stage, to the biggest theatre and the audience will be dead of laughter!"

'you should go to the dead'? the funeral home?

"thanks finny" i say. he smiles and i walk inside.

"y/n!" mey-rin stops me. "master ciel is looking for you."

a lump on my throat forms and i nod. maybe the undertaker will protect me but he's friends with ciel. i walk out to the main room and slowly up the stairs. i need something to defend myself but sebastian isn't human so what can protect me?

finally reaching his study room, i open the door and see him on his chair, writing on reports and documents. i always have plan b.

"close the door" he says. i leave a crack open just in case. sebastian isn't here. it stays silent except for the pen scribbling on paper. suddenly, he slams it down and looks at me.

"you're not going anywhere."

hantéOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora