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alois moved me into a different room with no windows while i was sleeping. the walls are painted a dark maroon with paintings of nature hanging on the walls.

the furniture is a bold violet. the bed has tangerine colored sheets with beige pillows. the ceiling has a chandelier.

i don't know how many days have passed since there are no windows. surely, ciel would have noticed i was missing right? so why hasn't anything happened?

the door is a few inches thick and locks from the outside. claude comes in from time to time but it mostly alois who comes in which i hate. he comes in to chat and bring meals. i'd stay silent while he talked about the weather and what he did that day.

today he brought in sandwiches and iced tea.

"claude made these and he makes the best stuff!" alois says. i watch him come in and lock the door before he shuts it. "he went out into town for clothes for you."

"oh really?" for the time, i've been thinking of a way to get out. sometimes alois gets touchy but never do i just comply which causes complications.

"yeah and i got more bandages," he says. "your bruises are almost done healing."

he sets the tray down and examines my arms and my eye. i have a gash on my left arm and a couple bruises. i also have a black eye.

alois tried to tie me down but i had gotten the metal tray and smashed it on his head which is why the tray is now plastic. i couldn't escape because the room was locked and i do not have the skills to tie such complicated knots.

it was quite a show. alois changes the bandages while i just sit there. i'm tired and all of my body aches so much.

"okay done," he says. "now eat up "

we start to eat as he talks away. alois explains the weather and how it'll be storming all day. it seems like forever that he talks. he never shuts up. his voice is like a fork being dragged across a chalkboard.

i need to get out of here.


it's been a few hours and alois has finally exhausted himself. i have laid down and just stared at the ceiling. he sits there in silence until he makes the sudden move to climb on top of me.

"what are you doing?!" i shout. he doesn't say anything and just stares at me. he sticks out his tongue and i see a symbol on it. "... what is that?"

that symbol remind me of ciel's eye.

"i'm glad to hear your voice again" he says. "... is this what i have to do to hear you?"

i stay silent and just stare at him, terrified of his next action.

"i want to do many things to you," he says. "you drive me crazy, i almost want to hurt you."

his hand touches my bandaged arm and i feel a lump in my throat.

"i want to make you all mine," he says. an idea pops into mind. claude is not here and if he was, he would have called alois out already. "but we'll pick this up later."

he quickly climbs off and stands on the floor. alois goes for the tray.

"wait!" i say. he looks at me in surprise. i swallow the rock in my throat. "... i."

i stammer while he heads for the door and places the key in the hole.

"alois," i say. that stops him in his steps. "... do it."

he turns to me in confusion. i get off the bed and walk towards him and stop at arm's length.

"... make me yours" i prevent the tears and trace the neckline of my dress. i tremble a bit as his eyes show excitement.

"oh really?" he asks smugly. i nod. i need to distract him enough to make him forget about the key. i hook two fingers into the neckline and drag it down a bit.

"alois make me yours... please?" my voice stays steady and i see him smile widely. he lets go of the door and my gaze stays on him. he'll notice me looking at the door and i have to play it safe and hope he forgot.

alois places the tray down and comes towards me.

"you want this?" he asks. his eyes scavenge my body and i nod again.

"i need it" i have to be more convincing because he's still keeping his distance. my arms go behind my back as i start to unlace my dress. 

i hope this works.

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