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i haven't seen alois and a lot of the guests are saying goodbye to ciel and liz. the mansion is almost empty and all the rooms have been checked.

i watch from the top of the stairs as they leave a mess and walk out with manners. how rude. i offered mey-rin my help but she told me to go and rest.

"i'm so glad this is over" i scoff and walk to my room. the feeling of the corset makes me more tired and my feet start to hurt. i go into my room and lock the door.

i practically kick off my shoes and unlace the corset, filling my lungs with air again. i take out the pins and everything else until i am left in my underwear and socks.

"why can't i stay like this forever" i groan. i look into the mirror and stare at myself. i need to go out more.


after getting ready, i put on some matching blue velvet pajamas. as i button it, my door knob is jiggled and toyed with until the person starts knocking.

"who is it?" i call out.

"open this door" they call back. it's ciel. i stare at the door and exhale. i finish the buttons and unlock it. ciel opens it and i see he's still in his attire. "i thought i told you to come to my study."

"well i am tired and you're the last person i want to talk to" i sigh, leaning on the doorway.

"you did a dumb thing tonight, y/n" ciel says. "you should not have gone near that boy."

i don't meet ciel's gaze because if i did, i'd feel more like a kid than i already do.

"he is not right in the head" ciel continues. "and now he'll attach himself to you and i know you two were in that room doing-"

"we were not doing anything," i interrupt. "i barely know him and i was only doing what sebastian told me to do; socialize."

"yeah i'm sure you two were just talking" ciel scoffs. he slides in my room and i just look at him. is he serious?

"if you're going to make up assumptions, i would rather have you leave" i say. he looks around and i just cross my arms across my chest.

"no but you need to realize how you put yourself tonight" ciel says. "and how an easy target you are."

"easy target?" i ask. what the hell is he on about? ciel takes a hold of my arm and pulls me. a flow of movement and he ends up on top of me, on my bed.

"you can't defend yourself and your reaction is so slow" ciel says. "alois is not safe-"

"you're not one to talk" i say. "you get into issues yourself and always have sebastian cleaning up your damn messes now get off."

ciel doesn't budge and i start to get annoyed. i put my hands on him to push and shove but no luck.

"what's wrong? can't do it?" he taunts. "i have enough advantage right now."

"ugh you're disgusting, you're my cousin" i scoff.

"who do think my fiancée is?" he laughs. my face twists in disgust. i know he won't do it but what the hell is he trying to prove?

"if you're trying to make a point, it's very unclear right now" i say. his face becomes blank and he gets off and takes a seat next to me.

"alois trancy is a dangerous boy" ciel says. "he's insane."

"it seems like you're getting me ready to fight him or something" i chuckle but ciel stays silent.

"... now he's going to come back to see you" he sighs. "he is a nuisance."

i just look at him and down at my bed. he did seem off but i didn't think the word 'insane' would fit what he was.

"if he comes, i will have sebastian say you are not here and you're out visiting family" ciel says, getting off my bed. "and you stay in here when he comes."

he says goodnight and closes my door. i stare at my sheets and just exhale.

"oh well."

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