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i scream and crouch down on the floor.

"leave me alone!" i repeat. i hear running and i swing the door closed, fists pounding and grabbing the knob. "stop it! stop!"

"y/n, please calm down" i hear the voice say. it sounds like sebastian.

"... sebastian?" i lean on the door and wait for the response.

"it's me, y/n" he says. i open the door and see the tall man. i launch myself into his arms like a child and hug him.

"please take me home" i say, muffled through his suit.

"of course, my lady" he says. sebastian picks me up bridal style and i close my eyes, feeling so tired. the wind hits my face so i dig in my face into his chest.


we arrive at the manor and it's very dark. sebastian carries me to ciel's room and see ciel sitting up, looking at his hands.

"my lord, y/n is home" he says. he sets me down on the other side of the bed and goes to ciel to start dressing him for sleep. ciel doesn't say anything and i just stare at the ground.

i'm going mad. was alois actually there? did i hallucinate or was he actually climbing? which is worse?

i can't handle this situation.

"mey-rin has left some clothes for you in the bathroom" sebastian says. i get up and quickly get changed in the bathroom before coming back and seeing ciel already in the sheets. he and ciel were talking but i still get in bed.

"good night my lady, my lord" he says, taking the candle with him. the room stays silent until ciel turns over to me. he doesn't say anything as he reaches out and holds my hand. his patch is off so his eyes remain close.

"open your eyes" i whisper. ciel shakes his head but i repeat myself. "open them... i want to see it."

ciel slowly opens his eyes and he looks at me. the symbol doesn't glow but it's still visible. i look at it while he just stays quiet. he doesn't ask how i know or anything, just breathes in and out.

in my peripheral vision, i see a figure behind him and instantly look to see nothing, just shadows.

"madam red is no longer alive."


the morning at breakfast, ciel had explained me the events of last night that led up to aunt angelina being jack the ripper and being murdered. ciel acted professional and said the funeral would be tomorrow after the undertaker would do his job.

"i ordered a dress for her and sebastian is picking it up later if you want to join him" he says.

"okay" i say. i only had one conversation with her and didn't get to know her or hear the stories about my mom.

the rest of the day, ciel stayed in his study while i stayed with the trio in the kitchen, washing dishes. finny was carrying out fertilizer bags while baldroy picked meals for dinner. mey-rin was helping me dry dishes. we all stayed silent except for baldroy who was muttering a recipe.

finny comes back sad and we all take notice as he takes one big sigh.

"the flowers keep getting dug out," finny says. "and our hedges are being destroyed."

"what could it be?" mey-rin asks. "a critter?"

"you should tell sebastian" i say. finny groans and walks out of the kitchen. we resume our jobs and i stare at the plate. i didn't really feel like helping today but i know i would've been bored all day.

although, i just don't feel like doing anything else. i want to stay in bed until i'm awake from this nightmare. finny comes back with sebastian and we all follow. finny was right.

all of the flowers had been practically ripped out from the ground. the hedges seemed to be beaten with branches ripped out. some of the grass was ripped out too and just messy.

"oh dear," sebastian sighs. "i'll clean this up, you three help baldroy with lunch and dinner."

we all go back inside and do what he says. what's messing up the garden?

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