Chapter 8- kisses and jealousy

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Lyons POV

Juvia, she was crying but why? Did Gray do something to her to push her far enough to start crying like that?

I look over the staircase to see Gray and Lucy laughing and having a good time while my poor love crying.

I should go cheer her up, maybe confessing my true feelings towards to her will cheer her up!

"Juvia my love im coming!" I then started to run to Juvias room.

I stand infrount of Juvias door, nervous. Her door was light blue and had dark blue rain drops on it. Each servant was allowed to personalized there own door to there choice.

"Come on Lyon you can do this!" I say to myself.

I swing the door open "Juvia my darling im in love with y-

"AHHHH Lyon get out!" Juvia screamed at me

"P-Panties." i stutter, my face flushed and embarrassed.

"Out!" Before I could react Juvia threw a hard cover book in my face.

I slam the door shut. My face was burning with embarrassment.

A few minutes later Juvia opens the door fully dressed.

I stand up "M-May i come in."


We sit side by side on her blue bed.


"Yes Lyon."

"I'm sorry, now i know to knock before you enter a room."

she smiles "Its okay Juvia is sorry for throwing a book at your face."

"Its okay." I chuckling with rubbing my face.

"Juvia why were you crying?"

she didn't answer me.


"what is it Lyon-sama." Her voice was breaking she was about to start crying.

"I love you." She had tears rolling down her cheeks now, i started wiping them away with my thumb. she grabbed my hand and just looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes.


I took my chance as i inched closer to her mouth and kissed her, her lips were so soft and tasted like strawberries. i wanted more.

"L-Lyon stop." she pushed me away, now with even more tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry i shouldn't have..."

She stood up and just pointed towards the door "You need to leave please." Her voice sounded like it was filled with confusion and sadness.

I don't know if I made things better or worse but I should just let her be for now. As soon as I close her door behind me I could hear muffled crying. I'm sorry my princess, As i make my way to my door i punch the wall out of anger.

Grays POV

"Bye Lucy, Bye Virgo, see you Friday." I wave goodbye to her.

"AHHHH Lyon get out!." That's Juvias voice, I rush upstairs to see Lyon sitting outside her door. He's burning the color red. Before I have the chance to ask what had happen.

Juvia opens the door and lets Lyon in. I get closer to the door as i put my ear on the door to hear wjat they are saying.

"I'm sorry." It was Lyon.

"Its okay, Juvia is sorry should threw a hard cover book at your face."

I couldn't hear much after that just lots of mumbling.

"I love you." That was Lyon. I wanted to storm in there and knock Lyon out for saying things like that to my Juvia! I was mad and jealous and i didn't even know why, I don't even like Juvia.

It was quiet and I didn't like it, not one bit.

I open the door slowly so they wouldn't hear me, Lyon was kissing Juvia! and she was letting him kiss her. I closed the door I didn't even care if they heard me. I storm downstairs and I sit in the seat Lucy was sitting in. I felt so mad at Lyon but why? Was it because Lyon got to kiss Juvia before me? I hated the thought of there lips touching.

I kicked the table over knocking the trash can over with it. I noticed a crumbled up pink envelope. I picked it up and pulled out the blue letter inside.

Dear Gray-sama,

I know we kinda just met but I have fallen in love with you. I think your sweet, I think your handsome and kind. you don't know who I am but I'll give you a hint....

My hair is blue and my love for you is "lock"ed in place.

I love you.

There are only two girls in the house with blue hair levy Mcgarden and Juvia Lockser......

It obviously wasn't Juvia so it must be Levy. I don't want to lead her on so I'll tell her my true feelings towards Juvia, I hope she can understand.


please don't hate me i had to make them kiss. but soon ill add a little bit nalu just wait. 200+ reads that's just amazing thank you all so much. I hope your enjoying the story so far,

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