An Unpleasant Welcome to a new/old World.

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In the year 981, Yugo the Eliatrope and his companions left on a journey after Nox the Xelor attacked the small village in Emelka. The companions made many friends on their journey, travelling to Bonta and becoming big name Boufbowl athletes. Eventually, they made their way to Oma Island where a dragon by the name of Grougaloragram met with them. He told the group about the race of Eliatropes and how they are the masters of Wakfu. They would then be interrupted by a certain Xelor by the name of Nox. After being sent away by Grougal's power, the group would officially form the Brotherhood of the Tofu. They would split up the next day, Yugo and Adamai going to find Grougaloragram's Dofus, while the rest of the Brotherhood went to the Sadida Kingdom to warn the King of Nox's quest to drain the Wakfu of the world.

Their journey was a success. While they suffered a loss of a companion, they still won their fight against Nox and the Sadida Kingdom was saved...

Now a year has passed and the companions have just returned after rescuing a companion thought dead. Adamai snuck the Eliacube and Grougal's dofus away from under the guard's watch and convinced Yugo to use the cube to find out more of their people. But doing so caused something unexpected to happen....


Two figures walked deep into the Sadida Forest, hidden from the guards. They soon stopped as Adamai dropped a bag. "What's the matter? Why did you ask me to come here on the sly?" asked Yugo. Adamai remained silent as he bent over to open the bag, revealing a Dofus and a turquoise cube. "But... But it's Grougal's Dofus!"

"Yeah, and the Eliacube." The blue and white dragon added. Yugo gasped sharply "You.. You took them without permission?"

"I don't need to have permission to borrow something that belongs to US! You told me you were ready, so let's go now." Adamai spoke harshly to his brother.

Yugo hesitated. "Maybe we should tell our friends just in case I lose control, shouldn't we?" Yugo looked away as he asked. Adamai only closed his eyes with a soft sigh...

The two brothers sat down, Yugo looking at his brother with apprehension. Adamai held onto Grougal's Dofus and looked at Yugo, the Eliacube sitting between the two. "For the Wakfu, draw from mine and from the Dofus'." Adamai started to explain. "You already did it once, Yugo." Yugo nodded and held out his hand, reaching for the Eliacube. The turquoise cube started to glow slightly as Yugo focused the Wakfu.

"It's hot, but pleasant." The Eliatrope smiled softly. He then grew serious, closing his eyes. "In Nox's clock, when I touched it, I burned my hands."

"Who knows what use Nox made of it, he was totally nuts!" Yugo shook his head at a flashback of the fight against the Xelor. "So, you ready?"

"Well, yeah! But I have no idea how to do it."

"Start with focusing, and then follow your instinct. That's worked well for you so far..." The small dragon placed the Dofus into the bag and hovered his hands around it. Yugo held his own hands in front of the cube and closed his eyes. The two brothers focused their wakfu into the Dofus and Eliacube, lightning dancing from the Dofus first. The lightning then shot from Adamai's forehead and towards the cube before surrounding Yugo's hands. The cube started to hover between the two as Yugo opened his eyes with surprise. The cube hovered over the two and dragon-like wings made from pure wakfu opened on either side. Yugo looked at it in pure awe.

Adamai opened his eyes briefly and looked at his brother. "Yugo!" He hissed sharply. Yugo looked at his dragon brother and closed his eyes, focusing on the task at hand once again. The wings around the cube disappeared before drifting and hovering between Yugo's hands. The lightning reappeared and soon, Yugo would be surrounded in lightning as well. The Eliatrope grunted as scenes filled his vision. Scenes unkown, yet familiar, to the Eliatrope. Soon, enough Wakfu filled the cube, causing a beam of light land where the two brothers were at. The cube then fell to the ground as a portal appeared beside the brothers. Yugo and Adamai opened their eyes to look at the glowing orb. Adamai turned his attention to the Dofus in the bag, noticing that it had started to shake.

An Eliatrope's Journey (revised)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant