Chapter 1 : Weirdo

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"Dahae-ah, hurry up!! It's 9

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"Dahae-ah, hurry up!! It's 9.20 a.m. already!! Prof. Kim will kick us from class if we don't rush!" Minhee yelled at her friend.

"Don't yell at me! The building is just across the road and it only took 3 minutes to get there. Don't be to much, Minhee-ah!" Dahae yelled back at her when she came out from her shrine like room. 

Minhee know that everyone has their preferences about their bedroom, but if anyone saw Dahae's, they'll have the same thought. Posters and photos of her favorite boy band is everywhere on her wall.  There aren't any square inches of bare wall left. There are merchandise, banners and dolls too. The remarkable thing is her nightstand. Or should it called her worship table? She has her favorite member photos stand there with flowers, scented candles and many decoration around it. Minhee, too, has scented candles on her nightstand, but when it placed like Dahae did, it looks like a worship table to her. Minhee never shame Dahae for it. Everyone have a hobby, right?

Instead like Dahae who always cheer crazily when her boys appeared on TV or continuously insist anyone to accompany her to watch their shows, Minhee not interested to this kind of things, although she enjoys listening to music. She like songs of Tori Kelly or Ed Sheeran or Adele or anyone with soothing voice. But it should be underlined, she's not fanatic like Dahae. She's the type who enjoyed music by their voices. Their soothing voices to be exact. Besides, she always more busy with her assignment to pass this term. 

Minhee and Dahae majored in same field, Business. That's how they became friend. After Minhee graduate,  she plans to help her parents develop their small store back in my hometown, Busan. She came from average family. She's not rich, but not poor either. As for Dahae, she is beyond rich. She doesn't need to work at all to feed her future family for 7 generation. She has an apartment for herself, even though her family is here in Seoul. Minhee live with Dahae now. Of course in Dahae luxurious apartment. She made Minhee live there because she doesn't like to be alone. At first, Minhee rejected her offer. She doesn't want to be seen as a gold digger friend. She already had a place to sleep anyway, even though it's far. But Dahae still made Minhee live with her somehow. Minhee knows that her friend is a good person. She trusts her.

Most of a day, Minhee spends her time at library to do her assignment or just to read something. She comes almost everyday. She even befriended the librarian. They categorized her as a nerd and she's okay with that. Mostly because she doesn't care.

"I'm ready. Let's go" Dahae said after freaking 20 minutes. 

"The class is at 9.45 for Pete's sake. 3 minutes to the building and 2 minutes left to the class. Great." Minhee mumbled.



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