Chapter 9 : Friends?

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Minhee looked at him. He was sad.


Minhee didn't answer. She just stared at his eyes. Jungkook also looked at Minhee eyes, but with hope.

Dahae understood what happened there. As a good friend, she tried to retreat despite the huge desire to stay and talk to Jungkook.

"Uhm, if i may suggest, you should just talk at home, considering it's still a public place here. It's not safe to keep Jungkook here, especially with a woman." Dahae tried to sound polite when cutting the deep staring situation.

Minhee looked at Dahae with a 'what-the-hell'look. Minhee thought that Dahae was very unhelpful. She just invited a person that Minhee want to avoid the most to their house.

"Just hurry before anyone sees you. And ... i'm ... uhm ... going to the supermarket for a while. I'll do grocery shopping." Dahae tried to find an excuse to leave them both.

Hearing that, Minhee immediately gave a desperate gaze to Dahae, asking her for help. She didn't want Dahae to leave them. When Dahae was about to leave, Minhee tried to release Jungkook's grip to pull Dahae. Jungkook didn't let go. He still held Minhee's arm tightly. Minhee sighed, gave up. Her eyes were sad.

After a minute, Dahae was nowhere to be seen. Minhee did not intend to invite Jungkook into the house, but she also didn't want to be in the headline news if she's found being with Jungkook now.

"Why you didn't use your hoodie and your mask?" Minhee snorted resentfully. "Follow me." Jungkook finally smiled when he heard it, even though he still sad.

Minhee was about to walk into the apartment building, but stopped because she was not comfortable with Jungkook's grip. "Please let me go. It's very uncomfortable." Minhee said while looking at their hands. Jungkook let go of her because he was sure Minhee would not leave.


Their elevator trip which should only last for a minute felt very long. Minhee regretted why she stayed on the 20th floor. This awkward situation made her very uncomfortable. She looked at Jungkook, but she immediately turned her face back. Jungkook was staring at her. From the start, Jungkook always stared at her.

"What ... what ... are you looking at?" Minhee asked while stuttering.

"You." Jungkook answered calmly. Minhee did not dare to ask anymore, fearing the situation would getting more awkward.


"Please sit anywhere you like." Minhee let Jungkook enter the house. She put her bag on the kitchen counter and took a can of soda in the refrigerator for him. Jungkook, however, still a guest to her. Minhee put the soda can on the table in front of Jungkook and sat on the sofa, farthest from him. Jungkook still looked at her eyes.

"Jane ... what really happened? ... Why did you avoid me?" Jungkook asked worriedly. His eyes exuded sadness and loneliness.

"I just don't want to meet with you guys anymore." Minhee answered decisively, without expression.

"You guys? Who do you mean by 'you guys'?"

"That person and you, Jungkook." Minhee still answered with a poker face. She tried to remain calm. She chose to use the name 'Jungkook' rather than 'Eyre'. This made Jungkook even more sad because Minhee mention him as a celebrity not a friend like they promised.

"Why? Why did you think so? Aren't we friends?"

"Because of you, i met someone i don't want to meet the most." Minhee knew this wasn't Jungkook's fault, but still, all this wouldn't happen if she wasn't friends with Jungkook.

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