~You've done it this time (2)~ (5x14)

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~Author's Note~

This is the second part to the first part, "What happened, Sookie". This is when Rory goes out into the hallway and immediately dialed Christopher's phone number. This is about that conversation. This was never on-screen, but if it was, this what I think it would be.


(No one's POV)

Rory stepped outside of Logan's apartment, and then she dialed Christopher's cell phone. She waited for him to answer, finally he does.

"Hello", he said.

"Yeah, Dad. It's me", Rory said. With total distain for him. 

"Hey, kiddo, what's up"? Christopher said, cheerfully. He had no idea what why Rory was calling him, and he was curious as to why she was calling.

"Don't 'Hey kiddo' me Dad. I'm very angry with you, also so is Mom".

Christopher was shocked, and said, "Angry with me? What does she have to be mad with me for"?

"Oh, so you don't think you've done anything? Mom's heartbroken and devastated".

Christopher had no idea what she was talking about. "What does she have to be devastated and heartbroken about"? He asked.

Rory couldn't believe it.  Was her Dad that stupid? "Luke, Dad. He broke up with her and she is left back at home, heartbroken and devastated. The town has taking sides because of what you did. That's why she's heartbroken and devastated. 

"But that's wasn't me. This is all a misunderstanding", Christopher said, trying to get off the hook. "Emily said that I still had a chance".

Rory, just as shocked as she was before, said "Oh, come off it Dad. Don't bring Grandma into this, like you didn't have any part in this. Although, Grandma did tell you that you might have still had a chance didn't mean that you had to come there to try to get her back. She was finally happy with him, happier then she as ever been".

"What's so great about Luke. He's totally wrong for her".

Rory snorted into the phone, "And you know who is right or wrong for her? What would you know about it. Luke has been there for me and Luke. You, on the other hand, have always been to busy, you aren't reliable. You make promises that you know you will not keep, but you make the promises anyway. Why do you Dad? Why do you make this promises if you know that you are not going to keep them? Luke is right. He and Mom were just starting their relationship and then you go in, and you stay all of these things about, how it's only temporary and now you just made it temporary. Luke left her Dad. Me and Mom never want to talk to you or see you ever again. 

"Oh come on, Rory. I'm your father. You have said that you and your Mom are done with me, many times before".

Rory had started to have tears in her eyes, all of the time that she was saying those things to him, and him telling her that he was her father. "Well, Christopher.....".

"Christopher"? Chris said, surprised. This was the first time that Rory had called him Christopher. 

"Yes, I have to call you something, and calling her Dad doesn't seem to be fitting anymore. Anyway, besides that, you have done a lot of stupid things, but you've done it this time Christopher. We, you and I, plus Mom, we're done". 

With that Rory hung up, before Christopher could respond back to her, and she bursted into tears. She cried quietly, she didn't want anyone to hear. What she didn't know was that Logan was standing on the other side of the door, and heard the entire thing.



Please comment and tell me what you think about it. There will be another part to this one-shot series.

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