~You need to fix it (3)~ (4x15)

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~Author's Note~

This one-shots is the third and last installment of this little mini one-shot series. This one-shot follows the one shots entitled, "The purple blueprint of the Dragonfly Inn (1)" and "Lorelai finds out (2)". In this installment is when Lorelai calls up and tells them to fix it. Keep reading to find out what happens. Hope you enjoy reading this.


(Lorelai's POV)

Urgh, another thing that has gone wrong today. I was just supposed to enjoy window shopping day with Rory, after not seeing her for weeks, now I have my mother who is upset with dad and now is on a rampage, a shopping rampage.

Now, on top of that I get a panic call from Sookie and she tells me that Tom has made the blueprint drawing of our beautiful Dragonfly Inn purple. Now, out of everything and all of the troubles that, that inn has caused us, I how have to call and deal with all of this situation.

I take my phone out, while we are grabbing our food for lunch, at the food court and call Tom, urgh, his answering machine.

"Hey, Tom. It's me. Did you look at the blueprint drawing of the Dragonfly Inn? Yeah I'm asking because the Inn came out purple. Umm, that can not stay like that, so fix it please", I hang up and try to finish my somewhat nice lunch with my mother and Rory.



Let me know what you think about this! Hope you enjoy reading this.

I hope you liked this one-shot in Lorelai's point of POV.

Comment below and let me know if you would like me to me to write more one-shots in Lorelai's POV. Also, if you would like me to, comment below to let me know what other situation that you want me to write about, in Lorelai's POV.

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