~Who's idea was it? (2)~ (7x08)

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~Author's Note~

This is the second installment part, that follows the one-shot, which is entitled, "I don't believe this". Just like the one-shot "I don't believe this", this is based on "Season 7, Episode 8: Introducing Lorelai Planetarium", this is when Lorelai comes to talk to Rory about her and Christopher wedding in Paris. Then Rory asks her who's idea was it to get married?! What do you think will happen? Well, you will have to wait and read to find out.


(No one's POV)

Logan goes to the door to open it. There on the other side of his door was Lorelai standing there.

"Hi", Lorelai said, hesitantly. She didn't know why she had came over there.

"Hey", Logan replied. He welcomed her in then he excused himself and opened his door and left his apartment. Leaving Lorelai and Rory in the room by themselves.

Rory and Lorelai just stared at each other not saying anything. Rory, who was making dinner had walked behind the counter to get back to preparing her and Logan's dinner. After a minute later, Lorelai says, "Guess your phone wasn't broken uh"?

That broke the silence, Rory pulled her gaze away from what she was preparing and stared at Lorelai. She thought that her phone was off because she was too upset that her parents in Paris, and she was not called to come and see them get married.

"No, Mom. My phone wasn't broken. I turned it off, because I didn't want to talk to you. I'm very hurt and angry about this Mom. How could you have gotten married in Paris to Dad without me there? I could have came to Paris and then I could have went up to London to visit Logan", She said. She had let her mom off the hook too many times before, (with kissing Max at Chilton that ended with Paris seeing it and then told the whole school and then for having lunch with Christopher while she was with Luke, and after Rory went to Christopher and told him to stay away from her), but she wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily this time.

"Now Rory", Lorelai started, but Rory interrupted her before she could continue defending her choice, and said, "Mom, I just want to know one thing. Whose idea was it to get married in Paris"?

Lorelai took a deep breath and said, "It was Chris's idea". She was hesitant to tell her that it was Chris's idea to get married in Paris, but she knew that Rory would try to get it out of her until she told Rory the truth about the situation.

Rory wasn't surprised. Of course it was Chris's idea, only he would think that getting Lorelai to get married in Paris, without her being there was a great idea.

"Well I'm not surprised. Of all of the stupid, idiotic things that Dad (Chris) has ever done this stops it", Rory snapped. "It's just like him to be so selfish and only thinking and then we are the ones who end up paying for it".

Lorelai sighed. She knew that Rory was right, and said, "Rory , Chris has made a lot of mistakes over the years, but he is apologized and made up for everything that he's done, and I think it's going to be different this time".

Rory looked defeated and replied, "Okay, Mom, you know that you want to believe that. So, go ahead, believe him. Fall for his lies and charm. I've fallen for it too many times to believe that he's changed. So if you want to believe him go for it. Just don't come crying to me when he walks out on you, walks out on us again".

Lorelai sighed, and walked to the door and left Logan's and Rory's apartment. A minute later, Logan came back in. He had been standing out in the hallway, listening the entire time. He walked up to her and said, "I heard. You okay"? he asked. She sighed and put her arms around his neck and they hugged. If she was okay, she would be very soon.



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