Petal x Blue: Flower Crowns

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(Highschool/ PDH)

🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

Petal and I are having a girls night... er that kinda makes me sound gay... which is not a bad thing but I'm pretty sure I'm straight let me try that again... Petal and I are having a... Playdate today! She said she was gonna teach me to make Flower crowns which I'm SO excited to do I absolutely love her flower crowns there so.... BEAUTIFUL! Just like her...

She doesn't see it but she's the most beautiful and kind girl I've ever met... but I don't think she likes me I think she likes Levi who is a lot cooler than me he's stronger and more handsome he's not exactly always the nicest guy but he's still really kind, I felt my phone vibrate I looked at my phone waiting for my que.

Pretty Flower= Petal

Cute Fox= Blue/DJ

Pretty Flower- Ok! Your aloud to come over now! But be warned Lucy's here and if we leave we havta bring him with us since well... my Dad is out...

Cute Fox- That's all Good! Can't wait to see yah!

Pretty Flower- You too!

I turned off my phone "Pep!" I whistled for Pepper "Your coming with me bud" I said puting his lime green leash on his lime green bandana collar, I started to walk to petals house following the directions she gave me.

Finally I walked up to her house, I took a deep breath and rang the door bell "Petal! It's you boyfriend!" Lucky yelled opening the door, I blushed and scratched the back of my neck "I-I'm not her boyfriend..." I said quietly "Lucky!" Petal blushed running down the stairs "Him and I are just friends! I already told you this!" She growled "Ohhh he's the gay one you've been telling me about" I froze and looked at Petal "Wha-" "I did not say that!" Petal cut me off "I said he acts like it..." Petal looked down.

"Well I'm not" I shook my head "Anyways I brought Pepper for Lucky to play with" I said pointing yo my little australian husky "Wow! He's cute!" Lucky said his tail wagging "Anyways" Petal changeing the subject as she grabbed a small backpack from a hook beside the door "I have a perfect place to go and make the flowe crowns!" Pet smiled closing the door behind her "Ok take us there!" I smiled following Petal.

We walked and walked until we finally stopped "We're here" Petal said "Final- Wow" I looked at the beautiful flower covered cove "These are special flowers... they don't seem to ever die" Petal said "I remember this place! You brought me here when I was younger and told me to never tell anyone... and I didn't!" Lucky said running into the cove Pepper ripped the leash out of my hand and followed.

Petal and I sat in all the flowers as she slowly started to teach  me to make the crowns Pepper and Lucky blowing pollen at us once in a while "G-Guys!" I sneezed "Stop it" I started to laugh as you could barely see the small werewolf and dog in the tall flowers.

After an hour or two I started to get the hang of making the crown, I looked out of the cove and the sun started to set "I'm having a lot of fun Pet" I smiled throwing one of the crowns I made onto Lucky's head as he jumped into the flowers once again "Here Blue I make one specially for you" Petal turned around and pulled a blue flower crown out of her bag, placing it on my head.

"Wow! Thanks!" I said my long tail wagging "And I have on to go around your tail Petal pulled a very long flower loop out of her bag "I made it since your tail is so long" I smiled wide and wrapped it around my tail, stars in my eyes I yell "I'm bluetiful!" "Y-Yes you are" petal said threw laughs I leaned in and hugged her tight "I had a great time Pet!" "I did too" she replied "Me too!" Lucky sat beside us outta breath "Woof!" Pepper sat on the other side also panting "You guys had fun jumping threw the flowers didn't you?" I chuckled "Yea we did!" Lucky replied "We should get going..." Petal grabbed all her stuff and put it into her bag.

While we were walking home I held Petals hand and Lucky walked Pepper when we got home Lucky passed me Pepper and rushed in "Thanks for the great time Petal" I smiled and turn to walk away "Blue wait!" Petal ran up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, when I turned around she kissed me.

"P-Petal...?" I said confused "Why did you do that?" I asked "I like you Blue that's why" she replied, my ears perked and my tail wagged "I liked you too... Petal will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course!" She hugged me tighter giving me another kiss "I'll cya tomorrow!" She let go and waved goodbye, I waves back and started to walk home Pepper's leash tight in hand.

Ask me any questions about this story and I'll answer them :3

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