Ash x Cosmo: School Lock Down

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🌌Cosmo's P.O.V🌌

I slowly walked down the hall "Bllleeeeep!" The school radio thing came on "This is not a drill! This is not a drill! This is a school lock down!" The person over the call said panicked "Shit..." I quickly looked around "No I can't go back to the washroom.... it's too far..." I started to run down the hall every few seconds there was a loud bang getting closer to me quickly I must find a- I froze as the banging got closer then it ever was I turned.

I saw a metal pipe show itself from around the corner, It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach... I'm done for, I felt someone tug me into a locker, they covered my mouth with one hand and wrapped the other one around my waist, my first instinct was to squirm and struggle that I did, I started to kick and yell though my yells were muffled.

The person that is holding me started to panicked and wrapped there long lanky tail tightly around my legs as the banging got closer I stopped struggling and I felt my heartrace quicken "Shh..." the person whispered in my ear as the pipe hit the locker we were in, I yelped... the person that broke in stopped and looked at the locker my ears went down as I closed my eyes after a few second the person continued walking down the hall.

I sighed heavily and started to squirm again, the long tail let go of my legs and went into my pants I froze, this person knows how to make me nervous yet... his tail is so soft and fluffy the long tail stopped moving as the banging came back "Don't do anything stupid" he whisper yelled into my ear.

That voice... I felt the tail brush up against my package I blushed and held my breath 'Please not now...' is all I could think... while being teased I'm never really good at holding in my moans... don't ask, the guy behind me slowly removed there hand from my mouth as they once again felt safe "S-Stop it" I moaned softly and quietly "I'm not do-" the person started hearing the bangs once again, he covered my mouth "He's gotta know we're in here he's just teasing now" he muttered.

Now that I think of it my tails are showing aren't they? I sighed, I can't hide them while being this scared or nervous "H-Hey can you stop pushing on my dick?" The person said bluntley "Mmffpp!" I growled he move his hand letting me speak once again "It's not my fault, plus maybe you could get your long ass tail out of my pants" his tail swayed once again making me moan and little louder then last time.

With no hesitation he covered my mouth "This tail has a mind of it's own it'll do what is wants~" he purred, sending shivers down my spine 'I need to get out of here! I rather die then be stuck in the locker with this weird pervert!' I started to squirm again "Hey stop it your gonna make it find us" he hissed, I moved his hand "Well then stop being a pervert!" "No just calm down the cops have been called by now they should be here soon" he groaned, as I purposely scotted myself into his dick *A/N My favorite thing XD* "S-Stop it" he moaned but bit my colorful ear.

"H-Hey! Owe!" I growled pulling my ear thank Irene the killer or what ever has left or else we'd be dead by now, he bit harder on my ear "Ahow!" I might've slightly moaned but I can't tell.

After a few minutes of the two of us fighting by kicking, Squirming, grabbing, but mostly him biting and nipping my neck we heard the cops sirens "Finally" I rolled my eyes I think this fucking perve might've given me a hickey with all his sucking on my neck and shit, he seems to really like to tease me, he also somehow knows a lot about me like: My sweet spot, what makes me uncomfortable, what I hate, who I hate, and my weaknesses along with strengths though he did often try to shove his hand into my pants.

Like what the fuck is this kids problem? So what if I'm shorter and may be weaker then him that doesn't mean he can harass or sexually assault me I was brought out of my thoughts when they announced that the danger has been taken care of, the locker door was pushed open and the two of us fell out him on top and me on bottom.

After a second I collected my thoughts and saw... the person I was in the locker with was... "Ash what the actual fuck!" I yelled at him "What? It's not my fault, I just can't hide my feelings for you Cos" he said sitting up, he straddled my waist and held my wrists on the ground "Yah man but I'm a straight motherfucker"

He smirked "You should know this by now Cosmo... all straight things can be bent" he leaned down and kissed me on the lips, I guess he's right... I mean I wasn't fully straight to begin with I though, Ash sat back up "Anyways sorry bout my snakey lil tail I was honestly not moving it" he chuckled "I guess I believe you" I shrugged.

"Just don't try and rape me next time" "I bet you'd like it" my face turned bright red "Asshhh! You asss!" "You know you want it" he joke again, I'm surprised- "Wait... Cosmo? You have three tails?" Spoke to fucking soon "Yea I do but so what?" "It's cool" he smiled, I smiled back "Can I give you another kiss?" Ash asked "I have no choice right now so sure" Ash Leaned down and kissed me, I actually kissed back.

Ok give me some questions in the comments about this chapter and I'll answer them!

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