Trauma story w/ Levi and Blue

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⚠️Trigger warning: Guns, Talk of k*dnapping, threats, death⚠️

💢Levin's P.O.V💢

"Moooom!?" I called my mother from up in my room, we lived out in the country I was  9 years old. "Yes sweet pea?" My mother walked into my room and up to me, I was sitting on my bed swinging my legs with a smile on my face "Can I go see my friend across the street?" She keeled down brushing hair out of my face to reveal my black eye.

She sighed upset but didn't ask what had happened, she was used to me getting into fights and getting beaten up at this point, she hated to see me bruised but saw it didn't bother me so she didn't let it get to her. She stood back up with a nod "You may, just change out of those nice clothes and atleast attempt to stay clean Levin."

"I'll do my best mom but you know how much wolfie enjoys to play in the mud!" Mom chuckled "Yes, I deffinetly do sweety, you two came back completely covered in mud a few times. Had to hose you two down then put you right into a bubble bath" "Mhm! Hehe that was fun! Also 100% wolfies idea" "Good thing we had extra jammies for him to borrow, it would've been horrible for his brother to have to sleep with a mud filled wolfie afterwards." I laughed, getting off my bed.

"Yea! Danny would've been sooo mad at us!" my tail flicked and ears perked when I heard a high pitched noise. "Wolfie is calling me out mom, I need to change" I started lightly pushing my mom out of my room, she laughed aloud her tail patting me on the head.  "Ok sweety, you get changed and go have fun" "Mhm!" I hummed closing the door behind her and running to my window.

I opened the window and stuck my head out "Give me a minute wolfie!" I called out "O-Ok!" he replied, I closed and locked my window than ran to my closet grabbing out a pair of blue ripped jean shorts and a grey tank top, I quickly took my shirt and pants off almost falling as I did then put the picked out clothes on. I struggled with getting the pants buttoned up but managed to do so, I opened my door and ran out of my room sliding down the staircase railing and falling off the end landing my stomach.

"Ow!" I yelped laying on the ground my father almost tripping over me "Levin" He spoke in a stern gravely voice "Y-Yes father...?" I looked up at him slowly getting back onto my feet "What did I say about sliding down the staircase railing?" I sighed standing up and dusting myself off "Don't do it when mom could potentially see" "Thats my tiger" he ruffled my hair "Go have fun with wolfie. Be back by sun down the latest." "Yes sir!" I ran out the door jumping off the porch, I stopped at the road and looked both ways.

"Ti-Tiger! No one'a g-gonna be driving down here for hoouuurs!" Wolfie laughed at me from the other side of the road, I laughed back crossing onto his side. "Yea, I know. I just had to make sure one didn't magically come out of somewhere and hit me." I joked "Yea, I-I guess you're right" He sighed.

"So wh-what do you have planned for today?" Wolfie smiled to me "Damn, do you ever plan anything anymore?" I joked to him as I walked around wolfies house. "I-I.... I-I..." he got all shy, I lightly punched his shoulder "Im just fuckin with you DJ. It's fine, I always plan the more fun adventures anyways." I smirked at my orange haired friend "H-Hey! Not always!" "Your adventures almost always have something to do with mud" "Yea...! M-Muds fun!" I chuckled wrapping my arm around him.

"Not always wolfie" "Y-Yes always!" "No I dis-" He grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground pinning my arms down, a mostly upset glare on his face, at first I was surprised and startled but I didn't threat since I was way stronger than Dj plus my bestfriend wouldn't physically hurt me. "Yes. I-It. Is. I-I will fi-fight you on th-that answer." He growled softly "Huh.. you still got the growl in you" I laughed, he tilted his head and I quickly flipped up over causing wolfie to yelp.

"Gah..! H-Hey..!" he whimpered as I hovered over him, my tail flicking wildly. "L-Levin..!" Wolfie whined "Mud. Isn't. Always. Fun." I said slowly, he listened a scared look in his eyes though I know he knows that I won't ever harm him. "Yes i-it is!" He closed his eyes and yelled back at me. I sighed, still pinning his arms above his head "I'm not gonna change your mind ever.. am I?" "No! B-Because m-mud is the be-best!" He lifted his head upwards sassily, his eyes closed and eye brows furrowed and neck... I shook my head. No. No. No. No being sexual towards your best friend Levin! I quickly got off of DJ my face heating up.

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