3. Rosie's guilt

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Rosie felt so guilty after the kiss because she had a boyfriend, but she kept thinking about Rose and texting her. It was a love feeling she never has felt before, it was more exciting than with her boyfriend.

Rosie didn't tell Rose about her boyfriend, and Rosie knows she should have told her, but she was falling in love with Rose. They saw each other every day for 3 weeks, and they both were fallen so in love with each other. But Rosie couldn't stop feeling guilty for cheating on her boyfriend, and still being together with him. Rosie knew she had to tell Rose about her boyfriend and tell her boyfriend about Rose.
It wasn't easy for Rosie. She loved both of them and didn't want to hurt them.

Rosie stated to ignore Roses text messages because she "knew" that the right thing to do would be to stay with her boyfriend. Rosie tried to forget Rose for over a month, but everything reminded her of Rose.
One day her boyfriend got home to her and gave her a flower, not just a flower, it was a rose. She started to cry and just said "Oh Rose, I miss you"
Her boyfriend looked weird at her and asked, "What? You missed a rose?" He raised his eyebrow.
Rosie looked at him with tears in her eyes, and just said they needed to talk. She told him everything about what happened, and that she has fallen in love with Rose. He got so mad and punched the couch, Rosie was still crying and apologized so many times. He broke up with Rosie and in anger, he said that she now could be with Rose. Before he left he said "You know what, I just want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. You deserve the best. And clearly Rose made you happy, and you loved her. Go get her." He smiles, and leave the house.

Rosie looked at all the text messages from Rose, and she knew that Rose was the girl she wanted to be with.
She took her jacket and walked in the rainy wheater over to Roses flat. She stood outside the entrance to the building and was thinking if she should do this.
She almost opened the door but turned around. Started to walk away, but then the door opens, it's Rose.
Rosie turned around and saw Rose.
Rose asked "Rosie? Is that you? What are you doing here?" She could see that Rosie had been crying, and said she should come inside.
They were sitting on Roses couch and talked about what happened. About the "boyfriend", why she ignored Rose.
Rose got tears in her eyes and got upset. She said "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, I just wanted you, and you hurt my feelings because you didn't text me back, I kinda gave up on you"

Those words really woke Rosie up, hearing her say that she hurt her feelings and Rose kinda gave up on her, made Rosie feel like someone stabbed her in the heart.
Rose asked Rosie to leave, so she did. Rosie walked home crying, and Rose cried after she left. Rose didn't think any of this was fair and needed time for herself.
They didn't talk or text each other for some time after this. Rosie tried to get in contact with Rose, but now she ignored Rosie...

 Rosie tried to get in contact with Rose, but now she ignored Rosie

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To be continued...

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