12. We need to talk...

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Rosie was still in shock over the whole situation, but couldn't get herself to tell Rose what happened. She started to get more and more upset, and it started to affect their relationship a little more. But they didn't want to break up, none of them would want that.
But Rosie started to realize that she couldn't deal with everything, and needed some space for herself, she didn't want to split up, but she just wanted to figure things out alone. She just needs to tell Rose about it, because Rosie thinks it's to hard on Rose.

Rosie has such a hard time telling Rose that she needs some time for herself, so she keeps staying around Rose until she finds the "right" time to tell Rose.

Rose came home from work, and she saw Rosie crying so she asked about what happened. But Rosie didn't know what to say, so she said the classic sentence "We need to talk."
Rose looked at Rosie really concerned, but ready to listen. Rosie gets herself to tell Rose that she needs some time for herself, and it what is best for now. Then Rose asks "Are you breaking up with me? So we are over?" And looks sad at Rosie.
Rosie was shocked to hear those words, and she made Rose sure they weren't broken up, and just needed space. They talked about it for hours.
Rose got pretty mad at the end, and she said to Rosie that she could go home. Rosie looked at Rose and then started taking her stuff. When she got her jacket on she opened the door, and said: "I love you with all of my heart, I just can't bring you down with me."
Rose was a little shocked because she didn't feel like Rosie was bringing her down. She just wants to support and help Rosie through the hard times. Even if she doesn't know what's happening to Rosie. Rose can't let her go and leave her. So she tells her how she feels, and wait for Rosie to response, but she didn't say anything for a few seconds. She started opening her mouth a little to say something, but no words came out. Rose walked over to her and was waiting for her to speak out... Rosie just said: "I am sorry, I'll see you when I am ready." Then she walked out the door and shot it closed. She was out of the flat, and Rose was standing up against the door, she started tearing up. Rose felt like she wouldn't see Rosie again, so she said to herself that she had to give Rosie space. Not talk to her for a while and hope Rosie will contact her again, soon hopefully...

To be continued...

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