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I leave everything I had downstairs, and head up to my bedroom, as well as my family's. I take all the suitcases I can find, and pack some necessities. But, HOW am I supposed to pack to leave when my life is completely structured here? I can't take the house, or much of the memories made here, so what DO I take?

Downstairs the doorbell rings. "Ember?" They call. "Are you alright?" I don't think that's how the MPA would've come to the door, so I go down and open it up to see Zane. "Are you alright? Yesterday I saw you dragging your body with your legs as you ran through the neighborhood & to your house."

"I'm fine. I'm just leaving," I answer.

"Leaving for where?"

"I'm just leaving. And I'm not coming back."

His expression changes to surprised, "Why not?"

"Because I can't. Please don't ask," I say, putting my hand up and my head down.

"Ok," he answers simply, turning to leave.

"Wait, Zane," I say, looking up and retaking his attention. He raises his eyebrows questioningly. "Could, um," I start, unsure of how to ask. "Could you, uh, help me pack?"

"Yeah, sure," he says as he enters my house. I lead him upstairs to my room where I have the suitcases of various sizes all around the room. "Have you travelled far and wide before? Is that why there are so many suitcases?"

"No," I say, grabbing one and putting it on the bed. "These are the rest of my family's." He nods but doesn't say anything. For the next couple hours, he assists me in packing to leave my life behind. When we've finished with the suitcases, we go to get my car with his.

I'm wearing different clothes and a few distorting features so I'm not as easily recognized as we go to his car. We run into Sensei Wu in their garage. "Zane, where've you been? We've been looking for you for hours, and you weren't answering your phone," he says.

Zane looks up from his keys, "I was helping Ember pack."

Sensei Wu turns to me, seeing through my rough disguise. "Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Away," I answer, opening the door of the car.

"Right now we're going to pick up her car. Don't tell anyone," Zane says to his teacher.

"Why not? Where are you leaving for?" Wu asks.

"Just don't tell anyone. And I don't know. I'm just leaving my life behind," I say as Zane and I shut the doors of the car. We pull out of the garage and head to the dojo. Wu watches us leave from the edge of the house.

Neither of us talks on the way to pick up my car, except when I ask him to be the one to drive it home. I sign my name on a piece of paper & give it to him in case he gets pulled over. Proof that I've given him permission to drive my car. We park a couple of buildings down from the dojo, and we trade keys as as he exits and I take his place in the driver's seat.

We get back to our houses with both cars without a cinch on the way home. He's helping me load my car with the things we've packed when his clan comes over to my driveway. Sensei Wu holds a cup with pieces of paper in it. I turn around to look at him wonderingly. "Since you don't know where you're going, I'm assigning one of the ninja's to accompany you on your journey," he says.

"Oh, no," I put both of my hands up to show denial. "I'm going alone. Besides, I,m not coming back, and I think that you probably want to keep your ninja."

He shakes his head. "They are all well-prepared and will serve you well. Each of them is ready to go when you are."

I let out a small scoff. "I'm ready right now."

"I meant theoretically speaking. Anyway, in this cup are four pieces of paper. On each piece, there is a ninja's name. The ninja you draw is the one who will accompany you," Wu says.

"Again, I'm going solo," I say.

"Just pick one, Ember," Zane says from behind me.

Frustrated, but not angered, I reach into the cup and pull out a piece of paper. I unfold it and read the name that drops a weight in my stomach. I lick my lips and read the name, "Cole."

I swear he's singing to himself as they all head back to their house, Cole to start packing. Nya hangs back, and when the rest of them have gone inside, she dashes over to me and pins me to my car. "I told you to stay away from my boy!" She exclaims.

"You haven't even decided who that is yet! I didn't voluntarily pick him!" I shout back, kneeing her in the stomach and freeing myself. We fight a bit more until we both have bloody noses. Then, we decide that enough is enough. She heads back to her house wiping her nose.

Inside my own, I clean up my face. As I'm finishing, the doorbell rings from my garage. Cole's ready. I dash around my house, making sure I have everything I need before heading down & outside to him.

I pop the trunk and he loads his things into my car. When he gets in, I start the car and we drive off, not saying much to each other for so many miles.


So this is ForeverFreed right now. First time speaking on here!

Anyway, I'm sorry this may seem like a long, slow-going story. It kind of took off in a way that I wasn't expecting, but I'm getting back on track! Within the next, oh, maybe like, 5+ chapters, we should have the end of the story, just a heads up.

I promise it'll escalate more in the next few chapters! Hope you're enjoying "I Will"! And don't you worry, the title will come into play by the end. ;)

Please comment! I want to hear what you think! How the speed of the story is, how the plot is, blah blah blah, etc. etc.

Oh, and sorry about that Mad Persons thing. That's what I wasn't expecting. Hope it didn't ruin the story!

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