Where No One Knows...

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As Cole and I continue the trip, there comes a dark speck on the horizon. I feel like it's the clouds of the Dark Island that I've heard stories about. Before I've been told "Go to Hell"; just because they hated me. So I said back, "Visit the Dark Island" ~~shoutout to @SKITTLES_KAT~~ Not everyone knew what I meant.

Anyway, as the speck grew larger, I noticed that it wasn't the Dark Island, but random forest, starting in the middle of the desert. Weird, I thought, but shrugged it off. In about 5 minutes, we had reached the forest entrance, and the road had turned to dirt. We drove far into the woods, and pulled off in a larger expanse. This is when we seriously unpacked everything. We pitched a tent, set up some barriers for animals, and all that good stuff.

I'd grown hungry again, but that's not really a surprise; I didn't eat much for breakfast. I pull some food out of my big container and make myself a sandwich. "Want one?" I ask Cole.

"Sure," he says. "You got turkey?"

"Yeah, you want a turkey sandwich?" I start making it before he confirms.

"That'd be nice, Hon," he says, turning away from me and continuing to set things up.

I get up with his sandwich and walk over to him saying, "What'd you call me?" he turns and I tear off some of his sandwich with my mouth, not all of the piece entering. He begins to stutter, probably thinking that I'm mad at him and will slap him. Instead of my norm, I lean forward and push the rest of the piece of sandwich into his mouth. Lady and the Tramp (spaghetti) style. Our lips meet and he understands. After he bites off his part of the piece and we finish chewing, I set his sandwich down and we go over to our sleeping bags.

He pushes me down, him planking over me. He leans down and kisses me lightly on the lips. I grab his side and push him over, rolling and using his body to lift myself above him. My hands rest on his pecs. His stiff, hard, muscle-y pecs. I let my body collapse on top of him and kiss him passionately, him returning the feeling. We roll around on the sleeping bags, which were set next to each other, continuing to kiss and only breaking it to come up for air.

By the time we've stopped our rolling, the bags are a twisted mess around us, wrapping our bodies together inside a burrito, myself on top. Cole looks up at me with an evil glint in his eyes. He rolls us over so that he's leaning heavily on me, his chest pushing into mine. Ouch, ouch, ouch! I think. My face contorts a painful look and he gets it. He tries to lift himself off me, but has a hard time. Finally, he just rolls us so that we both lay on the ground, facing each other, side by side.

We take a nap there, in the cool of the jungle and the heat of our bodies trapped in the sleeping bag burrito.


I awake to an unfurled burrito, and the sun in a low position in the sky. I turn my head to look at Cole. Sleeping like a baby. I lean towards him, rest my hand on his chest, and peck a kiss lightly on his cheek before getting up to make my sandwich that I didn't earlier

I find all the ingredients and make myself a sandwich, munching on it happily. My stomach growls in a good way, agreeing with my taste buds. When I've finished, I brush my hands off on my clothes and go back over to Cole, still sleeping lightly. I get one sleeping bag out from under him, but struggle with the second one, eventually giving up. I lay next to him and drift off, sleep mode taking over as the sun goes down on the horizon.


If you haven't gotten the feeling yet that I've been winging this story, now I'm telling you. I didn't know how far I'd take them out until now... I've just been waiting for the perfect setup. Muahaha,... you shall see....soon.

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