Nazi Germany X Jewish Reader Pt. 2

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As I peeked over the top of my box, I seen Ludwig and 3 other men march out of the house and onto the streets. The Nazis had taken my family earlier today, but I had managed to stay hidden. I hoped my Mother, Father and little siblings would be alright. 

I sighed softly and curled up in the large box and fell asleep. Later on, I woke up when I heard a thud. I jolted up and my heart was racing. I heard a name softly calling my name, "Y/N, Are you here? Ludwig sent me." I was very hesitant to answer knowing it might be a trap.

I heard the attic door creak open and some footsteps heading my way. I tensed up and seen a very friendly looking guy with auburn hair with a curl sticking out on the side. "Come on, We must leave quickly and quietly. Or else, they'll catch us." He said sadly. 

I slowly stood up and he grabbed my hand. We left out of the back door of my house and silently slipped into the woods. In the distance, I heard German soldiers yelling at people and more screaming and crying. I felt tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill out. 

But that didn't stop me and Ludwig's "Friend" from running through the woods. Around a good 30 minutes later, I felt my heart about to explode. "Are w-we there yet?" I whispered. The man tuned around. "Y-Yes..." He panted. Up ahead, I could see a train station. 

"Here, take this coat, you'll need it to cover up the star of david on your shirt." He said handing me a large coat. "Thanks." I said slipping it on. I gave him a hug for all he's done, for leading me to my freedom. "Hey, wait a second. Thank you, and tell Ludwig I love him if you see him." I said. He nodded and returned back into the woods. 

I walked over to the train station normally, so that it wouldn't seem like I was in a hurry. Or else, they'd suspect me of who I actually was. I had noticed that inside of the coat's pocket was a fake birth certificate. It had my face, name, height and weight. But it lied about my parents and said I born to 100% Aryan parents along with grandparents and great grandparents also being 100% Aryan. 

I smiled a bit knowing I'd definitely be let onto the train with this. I headed inside the station and seen no one in line so I was able to head straight to the counter. I faked a German accent and said, "Guten abend mein hirr, ich hatte gerne 1 zugfahkarte nach London." (Good evening sir, I have 1 train ticket to London.) He then replied, "Sehr gut, lassen sie mich lehre geburtserkunde sehen." (Very well, let me see your birth certificate.) 

I handed him the certificate and he looked it over for a moment and then smiled and took my ticket and hole punched it. He handed it back to me and said, "Auf weidhersehen." (Goodbye) I smiled knowing freedom was so close. I stepped onto the train and took my seat. There were only about 7 other people on the entire train besides me and the conductor and staff. The conductor walked out a few moments later and announced we'd be leaving soon.

A few moments later, then train blew it's whistle and I heard a faint, "Chug...chug...chug...chug.." coming from the train. I leaned my head against the window and watched the rolling landscape I called my home roll until around an hour or so later when I seen a sign that said, "Du verlasst jetzt Duestchland" (You are now leaving Germany.) I smiled faintly and fell asleep. 

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