☭Yandere Soviet Russia X Spy Reader Pt. 3☭

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I woke up the next morning when Raivis, Eduard and Toris gave me a letter which had a return address in Washington D.C. I opened the letter and inside of it was a letter from Alfred, 


   Back at HQ we are severely worried about you. You are one of our top spies and we can't afford to lose you. I'm sending multiple search teams after you. If you're wondering how I got your address, I checked in with the hotel you were supposed to be staying at and they said they said you left with the personification of Russia. So I did a little research and found out where you were staying. Don't worry Y/N, the hero WILL save you! 

                                                                                                     - Alfred F. Jones"

"Oh crap" I muttered to myself, I forgot all about the mission. But...I couldn't leave Ivan! Yeah we just met a few days ago, but we're married! But then again...if my secret is found out, I'll be persecuted and killed for sure! And so will Ivan for hiding a spy! I was thinking about crumbling up the paper and tossing it, but then I got to thinking, "Why am I doing this? I have a life in America to get back to. And Hell, I JUST met this guy like three days ago and we're already MARRIED and we've even....Oh God...."

Ivan walked into the room, "Is something wrong, Sunflower?" I looked up at him, "There might be a chance that I'm pregnant..." I said rather quietly. His eyes widened and he looked shocked, but soon his expression melted into a smile. He came up and hugged me, "I hope you are pregnant, Y/N. Then you can NEVER leave me!" I slightly cringed at his words. "Y/N, what is that paper you're holding?" He said innocently. "It's uh...nothing! It's nothing!" I said nervously. 

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Da...Then let me see it if it's nothing." He said. "Um...no thanks." I said. He tried to snatch the paper of out of my hands, "Sunflower...LET. IT. GO. NOW. Or I'll have to punish you!" He said rather loudly. I shivered a bit at the thought of what punishment he could come up with, but then again, there's no telling what he'll do to me if he finds the letter.

He was becoming much angrier now and he snatched the paper out of my grasp. I saw him read it and an unsettling purple aura appears around him and he started making a strange "Kol Kol Kol Kol Kol Kol Kol" noise. His usually childish smile turned into a sinister grin, "I see...you're trying to leave me...How could you do such a thing when you said you loved me? How could you do this to me after I saved you from a death penalty and from Gulag? How could you do this after we made love? And the fact you could be carrying MY child?!" He shouted.

"TORIS! RAIVIS! EDUARD! COME HERE NOW!" He shouted even louder. Scurrying and frantic footsteps were soon heard outside of the bedroom door and the Baltics rushed in, "S-Sir?" They all said in unison. "Take her to a spare bedroom and lock her in there, and no matter what she says...DO NOT LET HER OUT!" He said. The Baltics all nodded and escorted me down the hallway to a not as fancy bedroom as Ivan's. That and on top of that, there were bars on the windows. 

I huffed and sat on the bed waiting for Ivan to come deal with me. A few hours later, Ivan came in and sat next to me. He softly kissed me on the cheek and sat me on his lap. "I-I'm sorry I yelled at you, Sunflower. I just...I didn't want you leaving me. I don't ever get any guests and my sisters are just...crazy." He hugged me tightly and began softly sobbing.  I just awkwardly sat there as he cried. I wonder if something is wrong with him, like mentally. Is he bipolar? Maybe. 

Back In Washington D.C., USA...

Alfred paced back in forth the marble floors. "Sir, you've been a nervous wreck for a few days now, are you okay?" An agent asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says. Ever since he found out about Ivan kidnapping Y/N, he'd been a nervous wreck and hadn't slept in days. He couldn't afford for his best agent to be lost to a Commie Bastard. 

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