🇷🇺Russia X Reader X America - The Red Menace🇺🇸

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(I know Russia is no longer communist, but this is set in the 1950's during the Cold War)

Warning: Possibly offensive propaganda and slight racism [Insert every Soviet Russia joke and every Communism meme]

As a girl living in the 1950's in America, life was sort of rough, with constant threats of a nuclear apocalypse every day. The chances of a communist invasion or a nuclear apocalypse were so high, everyday in school, we practiced what to do incase of one or both of these things happening. Some people on my street, including my own family, have built a bunker in our backyard. No one knows this, but I know two of the countries; Russia and America. 

Though the two hated each other, they try not to fight in front of me. My family and everyone else always told me that Communism is bad and that it would take our freedom away, which I completely agree with. It is our duty to fight for and stand up for our country and our country's beliefs, which is how we all got into this mess. Why can't Russia send his people back to his country and leave us alone? Then we can stay here in America and stay capitalist and free. After all, the freer the market, the freer the people. 

I wasn't very fond of the Russian people. To me and just about everyone else in America, the only good communist, is a dead communist. Now, anyone who isn't from America would just call all of us a bunch of racist Anti-Russian bigots. But, now imagine you were in our situation: Everyday, the Russian government were threatening to kill everyone in your country and nukes everything or they would invade and conquer us and then take our freedom away. But I personally am not that worried about them conquering us. But them nuking us is a whole other story. 

America or Alfred has had a crush on me, which he has told me, so he was very protective over me. He'd never let me be friends with Ivan. Soon, the house phone rings. I pick it up and answer, "Hello? This is the l/n household." I hear Alfred answer, "Hello, y/n! It's Alfred, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the town park today?" He said sweetly. I smiled, "Of course!" I said. "Alright, I'll be by to pick you up!" He said loudly. I hung up the phone and went to get ready.

Time skip

I heard a knock on the door and I got up to answer it, "Hey dudette! Let's go!" Alfred said with his usual cheerful expression. We walked to the park only to meet Ivan. "Ivan! What are you doing here?!" Alfred shouted. "Shh...Be quiet. I need a break from my country. I hate it there, and I hate Communism!" He said in response. "But didn't you like Communism?" I said. "Yes, the idea of it! But the corrupted government messes it up all the time!" I sort of felt bad for him now. It wasn't his fault or his choice. "I'm sorry you have to go through that. I guess you never had any freedom." I said quietly. "It's alright I guess...I just wish I could be more like an American citizen. It must be nice being free and all." He replied.

Later that day, I became friends with Ivan. I now understood that not all Russians are evil communists coming to steal everybody's freedom. Though Alfred wasn't too thrilled about our friendship, he respected that I chose to be friends with him. But I knew that one day, he'd get over it. And maybe one day, far into the future like in 2018, Alfred would send his president to meet with Ivan's president and they'd become friends or would they?

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