🇺🇸America X Reader - The Purge Pt. 2🇺🇸

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Me and Alfred kept hugging each other and silently crying. I slowly rose up and slightly opened the blinds to witness what was going on as it was important to be aware of what or who's coming so that you can be ready. In the distance, I seen a group of about 5 very dangerous looking people wearing masks and carrying duffle bags. 

"Alfred, look! There's some people coming!" I whisper-shouted to my boyfriend. "We gotta do something about them!" I said whisper-shouting some more. "I'll take care of them. Just...stay here. DON'T move. I'll be back shortly." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek before he left. I curled up underneath my bed and tried to breathe as little as possible. Downstairs, I heard Alfred loading some guns and whispering curses to himself. Moments later, I heard screaming and knocking on the front door. "He he he, Just let us purge!" A guy said giggling.

More tears streamed down my face as I became more and more worried for Alfred. Soon, I heard the door open and Alfred shout in pain. Then, I heard some gunshots, screams and people pleading for their life. But Alfred took no prisoners as he slaughtered them all in about 20 minutes.  Alfred ran back upstairs and I unlocked my bedroom door to let him in. I looked down and seen that Alfred's arm was bleeding. "Oh no, Alfred, we gotta get you patched up!" I said pointing out the obvious. "Nah, it's-It's fine." He said wincing in pain. I frowned, "No it's not, I have a first aid kit in here somewhere..." I said trailing off.

A few moments later, I was patching up Alfred's arm. I checked my clock which said 5:30 AM. I smiled a bit. "Al, we only have about 2 hours left!" I said silently rejoicing. "That's great, but we're not done yet." He said refusing to let go of his weapon. I sighed slumping back down against the wall. Around 30 minutes later, I heard a window smash.  "Alfred! Someone's breaking in!" I said with worry. But, Alfred was asleep. I kept trying to shake him awake, but he didn't wake up. I shouted, "ALFRED THIS ISN'T FUNNY! ALFRED PLEASE WAKE UP!" But I didn't get a response.

I dragged him underneath the bed with me and clung to him as I heard the intruder's footsteps coming up the staircase. I kissed Alfred gently and told him I loved him, even if he wasn't awake. I buries my head in his chest as I heard my bedroom door slowly creek open. I halted my breathing and didn't move. Then, I felt my foot being yanked from underneath the bed. I screamed and heard a really loud annoying beeping noise.

"Y/n, Y/n. Y/N! WAKE UP DUDE! IT'S LIKE 11:30!" I heard Alfred shout. I jolted up, "What happened? Are we okay? Is it over?" I said with a look of sheer horror on my face. "Dude, what are you talking about? What's over?" He said. "The purge! Did we make it?!" I shouted. "Bro, you must have had a nightmare. We're fine, but we did watch the Purge last night." He said calmly. I sighed and sunk back into the couch. It was just a dream....

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