🇮🇹Romano Catch Up! Pt. 1🇮🇹

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-Same as Italy's (Refer back to the "Date" chapter)


-Also same as Italy's

Your Birthday:

-He made you some pasta and a cake

-He also got you a necklace

You're Sick:

-He's constantly checking on you, before he decides just to stay with you until you're well again


Do the "Do":

-TOO gentle, but when you asks for it rougher, he makes you regret it.


-"R-Really? I...I um...I think I need to sit down for a moment." 

-He was very, very shocked and thought someone like him didn't deserve a child or someone like you.

Giving Birth:

-Since you were on medicine, you didn't feel a thing, yet you still almost broke Lovino's hand while squeezing it.

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