• chapter 1 •

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Margot's POV

"Flight 346 to Buffalo, flight 346 to Buffalo"

I haven't been home in over five years. Once I left for college, I vowed I would never come back. Now that I live in London, my whole life is there. There was nothing for me in Buffalo, and there never will be. Sure, my family lives there, but now that my mom is gone, I only have a few relatives left.

If I don't make this flight, Rebecca will kill me. She's my only cousin, and she's finally getting married to the love of her life. I've never met her fiancé, I think she said his name is Liam? I'm not sure how she managed to meet a British guy in Buffalo, New York, but either way I'm happy for her. I wonder if Liam has any cute British friends he can set me up with...

"Last call for flight 346 with service to Buffalo, New York"

Shit. I guess I should start sprinting now.

As I'm running across the airport, I couldn't help but wonder, what's next? Will everyone remember me when I come home? I look a lot different than when I was eighteen. Now that I'm twenty-three, I finally grew into my weird lanky body. I mean I guess I still have a baby face, but that could still change (hopefully). I really hope I don't miss this flight, I don't want to have to be on standby.

"Flight 346 to Buffalo, your gate will be closing in two minutes and will not reopen."

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I feel like I've been running for so long, and I don't even know if I'm close to my gate. Why does Heathrow have to be so god damn massive?

I can barely pull my suitcase anymore, and when did my backpack get so heavy? Oh thank god, gate B21, I somehow made it. I handed the gate attendant my boarding pass while I tried to catch my breath. A few people sitting at my gate, probably waiting for the next flight that would be there, gave me a round of applause for making it in time. I did an over exaggerated curtsy and walked onto the jet bridge.

As I walked down, I prepared for my embarrassing walk down the plane aisle to get to my seat. Everyone is already on the flight, so people will just be staring at me and my sweaty mess of a face.

When I reached the entrance of the plane, the flight attendant congratulated me for making the flight, and I thanked her as I walked away. Alright, row 16, seat D, a window seat, thank god. This plane is smaller than I thought it'd be, with only two seats in a row instead of three. As I reached my row, I hear a deep voice say

"Do you need help getting your bag in the overhead bin?"

As I looked down at who ask me the chivalrous question and who I'd be sitting next to on this five hour flight, I said

"Yes that'd be great, I just had to sprint across the airport so I'm not really capable of doing anything physical right now."

I laughed after I finished talking to lighten the tension already present in this lovely metal box. But I said all of this before I made eye contact with him. His gorgeous green eyes looked up at me as he sat up, and I swear I almost fainted. I'd never seen a man so beautiful and British.

"Alright then, I'd be glad to help you with that."

The nameless man said as I handed him my suitcase and got into my seat. I shoved my backpack under my seat, and grabbed my phone and earbuds. I had loaded up three seasons of The Office onto my phone, and I was psyched to watch my favorite show for the millionth time. As I'm about to put my earbuds in, I hear

"Hi, I'm Harry."

author's note

Hey y'all so this is my first story/book I've ever written and I'm really fucking nervous about it so some constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not really sure where this story is going yet, I'll probably just make up stuff as I go.

I plan on updating every week or so, depending on how many votes I get, comments, etc.

I know it's annoying when authors do that but if I'm not getting engagement I'm not motivated to write, ya know?

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Stella, I'm 17, and I kinda really like Harry Styles.

See y'all whenever I update, I appreciate you for reading this random story :)

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