• chapter 2 •

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Margot's POV

"Hi, I'm Harry."

The brunette sticks his right hand out, and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Margot."

I smile, happy to finally know the name of the beautiful stranger.

"Nice to meet you too Margot, do you mind me asking why you're heading to Buffalo?"

"No not at all," I say, "I'm going back home after five years, my cousin is getting married."

He had a surprised look on his face. Do I have a booger or something? I rub my nose out of instinct. He laughs.

"I'm going to a wedding too, what are the odds of that?" He smirks, and I assume he's thinking the same thing I am.

"Would it happen to be for Rebecca and Liam?" I say, secretly hoping he'll say yes.

"Why yes it would be."

"What a quinky dink!" I blurt out, instantly embarrassed by the phrase I decided to use.

"Haha, I've never heard that one before. You're quite funny Margot."

I blush at his genuine compliment. I don't think I'm that funny, but it's nice to know that someone else does.

"Thanks Harry."

I feel the plane start to move, and after a few minutes we approach our spot on the runway. As the plane begins to speed up, I suddenly remember that I hate flying.

"Shit shit shit." I mutter under my breath, trying to contain my fear in front of Harry.

"Are you alright?" He says, his eyes full of concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just haven't been on a plane in the longest time. I forgot I hate flying, how bout that?" I uncomfortably giggle, as Harry frowns.

"Would you like me to hold your hand while we take off?" He asks, "my mum used to do that for me when I was younger."

I look over at him, wondering how someone could be this kind to a frantic girl they've just met.

"Um, yeah, sure. Thank you."

He grabs my left hand, and I notice the few rings he has on. Before I can say anything about it, he comments on mine.

"Those are some pretty rings you've got there," he says as he points at the two silver rings I have on.

"Thank you, they were my mom's. I like your rings too." I smile, thankful for the fact that we have something in common.

He squeezes my hand in response, and gives me a look of reassurance.

The plane suddenly speeds up even more, and I hold my breath.

"It'll be alright, Margot," Harry says while rubbing the palm of my hand with his thumb. "Just breathe in and out, like this."

He begins to take over exaggerated breaths, and I do the same.

The plane lifts off, and I take a final breath out. This isn't as bad as I remember it being, I just hope I can make it the entire flight.

I open up the window shade, and watch as the London skyline gets smaller and smaller as our altitude increases.

I look over at Harry, and he's already smiling at me. He's still holding my hand, and when I look down at our ring clad hands intertwined, he lets go and reaches in his pocket to grab his phone.

I frown, hoping that he would've held on for a little longer. But, we just met, so I'm not too surprised at his choice of actions.

I grab my phone as well, and pick out an episode of The Office. As I reach in my backpack to grab my earbuds, Harry says,

"Do you think you could share an earbud with me?"

"You like The Office?" I question.

"Not as much as I like Friends, but it's still a marvelous show." Harry responds, holding out his hand for me.

I hand the right earbud to him, and press play on the episode. We sit shoulder to shoulder watching the show, and quietly laugh so as to not disturb the other people on the plane.

About halfway through the flight, and almost one and a half seasons of The Office later, one of the stewardesses comes around with the drink cart.

As she approaches Harry & I's row, she politely asks,

"Can I get you too lovelies something to drink?"

Harry looks over at me, silently telling me to order first.

"I'll just have a cup of ice please, thank you." I say, feeling embarrassed as Harry gives me a weird look.

"I'll have a glass of Sprite please ma'am," Harry says, giving the stewardess a look of gratitude.

She hands us our drinks, and continues on to the next row. As Harry hands me my cup of ice, he asks,

"Why just ice? You could've gotten something more substantial."

"Ice helps me to calm my nerves," I quietly reply.

"Oh, well alright then." Harry says before taking a sip of his soda.

author's note

Weird ending I know, but it felt right to me.

How are y'all liking it so far? The responses I've gotten on my first chapter have been overwhelmingly positive I couldn't stop smiling from simply getting engagement lol

Like I said I'll be updating around once a week, maybe more than that. I'm a senior in high school so I've kinda got shit to do, so I'll write in my downtime (at least when I'm not reading other fanfics, which happens frequently)

See y'all on the next one <3

-Stella :)

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