• chapter 10 •

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Margot's POV

As I walk downstairs I can just barely hear the television playing from the family room. As I round the corner from the bottom of the stairs, I see my dad sitting in his dark red recliner watching Seinfeld re-runs at a low volume.

He looks up as I walk over to him, a smile growing on his stubbly face.

"Good morning dad." I say, walking over to give him a hug.

"Mornin' pumpkin." He says, hugging me before returning to his comfortable seat as I sit down on the couch next to him.

"Soooooooo.....I have a boy upstairs so if you hear a low voice don't be confused." I blurt out in fear of his response.

My dad furrows his brows. "Is it Prince Harold?"

I bring my elbows to my knees and laugh into my hands. "Yes dad, yes it is."

I can feel him smiling at me, but I can't tell if it's a smile of approval or a smile of pity.

"Oh, well alright then. He can stay here as long as he likes." My dad goes back to watching the tv as if the conversation had never happened.

Feeling shortchanged, I get up from the couch and head back upstairs to my room. As I reach my doorway, I see Harry still laying in bed, his left arm behind his head as he smiles at me.

"My dad's alright with you being here Harry."

"Mind if I stay permanently?" He smirks.

"That could be arranged." I smirk back.

As I finish my sentence, my phone vibrates. Harry hands it to me from where it was resting on my nightstand, and I see that I got a text from Rebecca.

rebecca: hey doll, how would you like to come with me to pick up my wedding dress?

margot: I would love that! what time?

rebecca: can I pick you up from your dad's at noon?

margot: sure. see you then :)

I put my phone down, smiling from ear to ear. Just the thought of weddings makes me smile. I can't wait for my own some day.

"Who was that?" Harry asks, still laying in the same position as before.

"Rebecca, she's picking me up at noon to go pick up her dress. Maid of honor duties."

"I didn't know you're Rebecca's maid of honor?"

"You bet your British ass I am."

"So I'm guessing I also failed to tell you that I'm Liam's best man."

My eyes widened. "Wow. The quinky dinks continue."

Harry beckoned me towards him and pulled me into the crook his side, putting his arm around me. "You're cute."

author's note

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, I've been having a tad bit of writers block recently so I apologize for that.

I hope you all have been having a good week. And if not, I promise it'll get better.

Thank you for reading. I'll update as soon as I can.

All the love,


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