• chapter 13 •

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Margot's POV

Once I was home again and had said my goodbyes to my soon-to-be-married cousin, I went to my room while checking my phone.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself. I forgot to call Cassie today. We were supposed to go out to lunch. Or something like that anyways. As I dial my best friend's number, I hope that she isn't mad at me for almost forgetting about her.

Cassie: hello?

Margot: hey Cass, I'm so sorry I forgot to make concrete plans with you. I'm the worst.

Cassie: no problem sis, do you wanna go out today or tomorrow?

I breathe a sigh of relief, thankful that my longtime friend is so understanding.

Margot: maybe today? The rehearsal dinner is tomorrow so I don't want to be too busy that day.

Cassie: sure! So how's about lunch at Breadhive at 2?

I look at my watch on my right wrist and see that it's 1:45.

Margot: sounds good, can you pick me up?

Cassie: yeah of course, I'll see you soon Margot.

Margot: see ya Cassie.

I hang up the phone and plug it in so it can charge a little bit before I leave. I'm fine with the outfit I have on, so I decided to just sit and wait for Cassie to arrive.

15 minutes later, I hear a horn honk outside, and I jog out the door. Cassie gets out of the car as soon as she sees me, as we run up to each other and tightly hug.

"I've missed you so much Cass." I say with my face smushed into her shoulder, my friend being a few inches taller than me.

"I've missed you too Margot. I'm so glad you're home, even if it's just for a little bit."

I sadden at her calling Buffalo "home," since I haven't felt that way about it in a very long time. We get into her car, Cassie's music already playing at a low volume.

As she begins to drive, my best friend begins to bombard me with questions about one person in particular.

"Soooooo...who's this Harry guy? Is he cute? Is he taller than you? Does he have a good sense of style? How's his music taste? Do you think he likes you? Have you guys kissed yet?"

I let out a sarcastic sigh. "To answer your many, many, many questions...he's Liam's best man, yes, yes, yes, it's very good, I'm not sure, anddddd no." I spit out.

"Wow. If my calculations are correct, y'all are gonna fuck in a week's time."

"Cassie!" I slap her arm as she laughs hysterically.

"Are you gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong?"

I don't respond.

"See! You know I'm right!"

"Well I don't know about fucking, but I'm hoping that things might escalate a little bit in one way or another."

"One can dream."

"Indeed Cassie, indeed."

author's note

Hey friends :) sorry this chapter is so short, I'll try to update more frequently with shorter chapters, since that's easier for me.

I hope y'all liked this one, hopefully I'll be back in a few days or a week with a new one for ya :)

We're almost at 1000 reads?!?!?? I legitimately never thought that would happen so thanks to the few of you that have continued to read my little pride & joy that is this story lol.

As always, thanks for reading.

All the love,

- Stella :p

The Flight Home || h.s. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ