• chapter 6 •

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Margot's POV

After about 20 minutes of driving and listening to music, Harry parallel parks near the waterfront. It's not too crowded, which I'm happy about. I've never been one for crowds. As we step out of the car, Harry takes a deep breath in.

"The air is really fresh out here."

I stifle a laugh. "Yeah, better than that smoggy air in London right?"

"You can't even imagine."

"Never underestimate the Great Lakes my friend."

We smile at each other, and he follows me to the waterfront, what Buffalonians call Canalside. It's essentially a boardwalk, adorned with different colored Adirondack chairs and various green spaces.

I walk him and I over two a joint Adirondack chair, with a table in the middle connecting the two. We sit down, and Harry takes out his phone and turns his camera towards me.

"What are you doing?" I laugh, instinctively covering up my face with my hand.

"I wanna take a picture of you Margot."

"A picture of me? Why would anyone ever want that?"

"Because you're beautiful." Harry smiles.

I blush, smiling as I hear the sound of a picture being taken.

Harry turns his phone to me, showing me the picture.

"See? Beautiful."

I just smile and turn to face the water as I watch various boats and people on kayaks go by.

"Wanna get something to eat?" I ask, hearing my stomach grumble.

"Sure. What're you thinking?"

"We should go to The Hatch. They have really good hot dogs and ice cream."

"Sounds great to me."

We get up and start walking across the water. We pass by a few people walking their dogs, going for a run, or just taking a stroll like Harry and I.

After a little while, we reach The Hatch. I walk up to the counter and order, Harry following suit. We sit down at a picnic bench under the covered patio, and wait for our order number to be called.

"42!" The worker shouts.

"I've got it." Harry says before I have a chance, getting up and grabbing the tray and a few napkins.

"Here you are m'lady." Harry says to me as he hands me my hot dog, french fries, and drink.

"Thank you sir." I respond in a British accent, earning an eye roll from Harry.

We sit in silence as we eat, Harry pointing at things he sees on the water every so often, both of us smiling with a mouth full of food. We see a few seagulls, fisherman, and more people on kayaks.

It's weird feeling this comfortable around him already. We've just barely met, yet we don't feel the need to have a conversation over lunch. We're already enjoying each other's presence.

Just as I'm finishing my deep thought, Harry speaks.

"Hey Margot?"

"What's up Harold?" I say while pushing a french fry around my tray with my finger.

He smirks. "Would you want to be my date to Liam and Rebecca's wedding?"

I look up from my tray to see a smiley face looking back at me. "I'd love that."

author's note

Hey guys! Sorry these chapters are so short, I find that I write better in small segments like this.

Because of that, I will try and update more often for y'all, maybe more than once a week, school work pertaining.

Also I realized that this book is basically a tour guide for Buffalo. Oh whale.

Thanks for all your comments, it makes my day when I read them. I appreciate every last one of you.

All the love,

- Stella xx

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