• chapter 9 •

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Margot's POV

As I wake up, I feel an arm around my waist, and slow breathing against my neck.

I slowly turn my head to see Harry, spooning me while he sleeps, and I can't help but smile.

I met this man 2 days ago. Is this weird? What if he's a pedophile? Or a murder? He probably would've killed me by now, right?

As my heart rate begins to increase from my panicking, Harry slowly flutters open his eyes, as he feels my heart beating out of my chest.

"Good morning princess," he says in his (oh god) raspy morning voice.

I immediately begin to calm down, and I forgot why I was freaking out in the first place.

"Morning Harry."

"Are you alright? Your heart was beating really fast," he replies without moving from the position we were sleeping in.

"Yeah, I just remembered that my dad is home now and he'll probably be wondering why there's a strange boy in my bed."

"Strange boy? Where?" Harry looks around my room and under the pillow he was laying on.

"Haha very funny."

"What time is it anyway?"

I pick up my phone to check the time. "It's nine o'clock."

"So that means we can sleep for a few more hours," Harry whispers as he pulls me back into his chest.

"As much as I would love that, I still have some unpacking to do Harold."

I really want to lie with Harry right now, but I don't want to come off as desperate. I've got to play hard to get.

Harry comically frowns at me as I lift his arm and place it at his side.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go see where my dear father is," I curtsy before I leave the room, leaving Harry to fend for himself.

Harry's POV

I smile to myself as I watch Margot leave the room. I don't know what I've got myself into. I've only known the girl for a few days, and it feels like she has me in a trance. I've never met anyone like her before.

I hope her dad isn't upset that I'm here. But his daughter is an adult so he shouldn't be mad, right?

I decide to stretch, and then take a stroll around Margot's room. She has an entire wall dedicated to polaroids, and I plan to look at each and every single one of them.

As I look at the photos each with their respective dates underneath them, I become more and more infatuated with Margot. I want to know everything about her. Could she possibly like me? Does she have a boyfriend in London? What's her favorite episode of The Office? What side of the bed does she sleep on? How does she like her eggs in the morning?

Only time will tell.

author's note

Hi friends :) I apologize for my lack of updates, I've had writers block, and also my fair share of schoolwork lol.

Did you like the first appearance of Harry's POV? And my call-back to chapter 4 with the thoughts Harry has about Margot?

Hopefully I'll be updating at least once every two weeks, thanks for your patience and for reading!

I love you and just know you're worth it.

All the love,

- Stella

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