Chapter 8

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Eren's POV

It's been eight days since Petra's murder, and the school has surprisingly lightened up again.
We had a few days off since the school was a crime scene for a while but everything's going back to normal... slowly.

Why did people take her death so hard?
I did them a favour considering no one really liked her anyways, guilt I guess. The only person who didn't put on false emotions for her death is Levi, he's so perfect.  I smiled widely as I thought of him, we have PE next and no, I won't be attending.

I strutted confidently through the corridors with my backpack swung over one shoulder, taking a left and walking right into the boys changing rooms which were now empty. I walked up to one of the middle lockers and put in the combination, the door opener with ease. I smirked to myself as I began to scan the content of Levi's locker.

"Hmm", I hummed to myself, placing a hand on my chin and stepping back slightly to closer observe the inside. 'There isn't much I could take without him noticing, I'd rather not get caught-' my thoughts stopped as I lay sight of a piece of pink paper. I picked it up carefully and opened it, the neatly written words make my stomach churn, and not in the good way.

Dear Levi.

I'm writing you this because I can't tell you how I feel in person, I really like you.
I like you're dark hair, you're so attractive you'd surely be too good for me..
But if you're interested, meet me behind the school at lunch, and meet me alone.
Xxxx Secret admirer xxxX

I glared at the paper so hard I thought it may cause spontaneous combustion at any second, sadly however, it didn't.

The sound of loud chatter and heavy footsteps made me break my stare at the pink paper, in a state of panic, I shoved the paper back into the locker and slammed the door closed. Only as I started to walk away did I mentally begin to scream that I could have prevented Levi from seeing that.

My eyes began to tear up the more I thought, 'all she talked about is his looks, she doesn't even like him for his personality. There's no way he'd like someone like her.. is there?'

I rubbed my eyes vigorously, not even stopping when I heard a worried voice behind me and fast footsteps approaching me. "Eren! What's wrong?" Armin asked, genuinely looking worried. I looked at his for a second before grabbing his wrist and dragging him off to a more private location before explaining.

Another message? Yandere Eren X LeviOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora