Chapter 12

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Eren's POV

When I finally reached my house I went straight upstairs, completely ignoring my mothered worried voice, she was probably going to ask about why I was crying my eyes out.

I threw open my bedroom door and slammed it shut behind me, grabbing my favourite photo of Levi and flopping onto my bed dramatically.
"Why don't you love me?" I chocked out, staring longingly at the picture clutched tightly in my hands. "Can't you see how much I'm trying to impress you? It's never enough is it!" I yelled, raising the picture above my head preparing to throw it against my solid wood floor. I couldn't however.  I couldn't bring myself to hurt Levi, even if it was a mere image of him.

So I just continued to cry with the photograph hugged tightly into my chest.



My eyes fluttered open slowly, 'I fell asleep?'

"Eren!" My name was called again, this angered me.

"WHAT!" I screamed back, sitting up in bed.

"Levi's coming up!" My mother yelled, causing me to freeze. I looked around my room, pictures of Levi were everywhere. 'Shit, shit, shit!'

In a blind panic, I began to frantically rip all of the images off the cork board and walls, shoving them into an empty cardboard box I was supposed to get rid of weeks ago. I kicked the box under my bed just as Levi walked through the door.

"What do you want?" I spoke casually, trying and succeeding in hiding the fact I was upset with the black haired male as we walked into my room.

"Fucking hell, I come all the way up here to see you and this is what I get?" I questioned me, crossing his arms. I looked to the side to avoid his glare and that's when I saw it...

My framed photo of Levi, the one that I fell asleep clutching last night, lay on my bed in perfect view. My eyes widen slightly as I noticed this.

As if Levi saw my panic, he too looked over at my bed. "What's that?" He asked, beginning to step toward my bed.

'Distract him!' A voice inside of my head screamed, and without a second thought I grabbed his arm and... kissed him.
The kiss was short and sweet, and made me crave more.

Levi's eyes widened slightly as I quickly pulled away and we were left staring at each other, in a second, he connected our lips again, I didn't hesitate to melt into the kiss as I lovingly wrapped my arms around his neck well allowing him to push me back towards the bed.

I felt myself being placed onto the bed and, without breaking the kiss, took this as my opportunity to slip the photo frame under my pillow. We continued to kiss until he pulled away and began making his way down my neck, "Levi.." I breathed out, wrapping my legs around his waist and placing my hands on his shoulders.

He quickly pulled back and looked down at me with his usual, expressionless face. I looked back up at him innocently, but was secretly incredibly disappointed when he stood up.

"I'll see you later," he grumbled as he quickly walked out of the room, slamming the door closed behind him. I flinched slightly at the sound, before jumping up and running over to my window. I saw Levi, walking away quickly well trying to light a cigarette.

"I can't believe he just... left." I mumbled, looking as he grew further and further out of sight.

Levi's POV

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! Why would I do that? Or better yet, why did I stop? It's no secret that the brat has grown on me, but now I'm beyond confused. And what goes best with confusion? Annoyance.

"LEVI!" I heard before the weight of someone jumping onto my back could be felt, I scowled and quickly turned around, knowing who's face I'd be met with.

"What do you want Hanji?" I spoke, trying my best to give her my most intimidating glare, but the slight pink that still dusted my cheeks probably gave away far more than I wanted it to. She froze and looked at me for a second before pointing at my face and speaking casually.

"You're blushing." I furrowed my brows, 'since when is she this calm-'

"AHHHHHHHH WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO HMMM??!??" I didn't even flinch as she began yelling, stopping abruptly as she waited for my answer. Was I going to tell her? Of course not. What was I supposed to say? Oh me and the brat had a little moment on his bed, no big deal.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth but the sound of a notification on my phone cut me off. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and unlocked my phone as Hanji watched over my shoulder.

Freak: You've made a terrible mistake.

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