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Alex's P.O.V
I woke up really early the next morning, around 2am. I don't really know why I did, but all I remember is feeling this overwhelming sense of depression. I decided to go to the best part of the house to try clear my head, the roof.i quietly slipped out my tall window and stepped onto the ledge in front of it. I'm no where near athletic and have VERY limited armstrength, so I grabbed the edge of the roof and jumped, using the momentum and slight loss of gravity to pull myself onto it.

I sat there with my knees brought to my chest and my arms wrapped around them for about 3 to 4 hours. I don't really know what I was thinking about exactly, but I knew I was contemplating something. I do this a lot. Know I'm thinking of something cause my brain never seems to give me a break but I can never tell what.

It was cold. I didn't really care though. Small clouds of condensation forming at my face when I breathed. It was a wonderful view to say the least. City lights sparkling like some of the stars themselves. The mountain just behind the city being dark, almost only a silhouette apart from the few jaggered edges you could see, protruding from the sides at awkward angles. It was still one of the most beautiful things I've seen though, the sharp peeks dusted with snow.

I sat there for a little while longer gazing at the stars and mountain, until I heard a pleading meow. Kitty had just managed to crawl onto the roof despite her short legs and meowed seeking attention and making sure I was ok. I picked her up and held her close to my chest, listening to her purring. She would shiver every now and then, which to me was strange because she had a thick fur coat, but yet again it was pretty cold. I got up, still holding her to my chest and as quietly as I could, climbed onto the ledge outside my window. I climbed through and put kitty on the bed before   closing the window. I tiredly climbed into bed and pulled the blanket up to my chin, Kitty doing the same thing as earlier, grooming my hair and holding my face. I closed my eyes and smiled, appreciating the small mother-like cat.

All was quiet, except for Kitty's purring. I lay there stroking her as I eventually fell asleep again.

(Next day)

I only woke up around 12 the next day, making me contemplate whether I was hungover, dying or both. I had a headache from oversleeping and even though I was used to these, I still went to the kitchen to take some pills. My parents cheerfully greeted me with a 'good morning!'and a simultaneous kiss from both of them on either cheek of mine. Don't get me wrong, I love my family to no extent, but they knew I hated this greeting ever since I was little. I grumbled and walked to the kitchen with Kitty on my shoulders. I drank the bitter pills with a glass of water and rubbed my eyes as I flopped on the couch.

"Hey, don't I get a kiss?" My mom asked in a playfully grumpy manner, putting her fists on her hips. I reluctantly walked over and pecked her cheek. She scrunched up her nose as I sat down"morning breathe hun..."

"More like afternoon breathe, go brush ur teeth zombie"My dad chuckled as he looked up from his newspaper and smiled. I rolled my eyes in a playful way and got up to go to the bathroom, downing my glass of water on the way. I put the cat down and stumbled to the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, making sure I was at least somewhat presentable for the afternoon. I got dressed into a red sweater that always fell off my one shoulder, with a beanie and my bandana. I didn't want anyone to see my scars. I didn't want them to know I was weak or foolish or a push-over, even though I was already all three of those things. To be honest, I wasn't in the mood to see anyone or for anyone to see me,especially since I had school the next day.

I was in my final year of school and I only had 1 term left. I can't wait to get it over with and get a job that I actually like, not working as a waiter in one of those stupid maid and butler cafes. I really wanna become an author or an artist/animator. It's just always wht I've wanted to do.

I walked back to the kitchen and put a slice of bread in the toaster. I'm not a morning person, I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be a vampire or something, not a furry. I also don't really like breakfast, it makes me feel nauseas for some reason, like my stomach can't handle for in the morning. Much like me and life. My toast popped out and I ate it just like that, walking to the lounge with it in my mouth. I sat on the couch again and quietly listened in on what the old man on the T.V was saying. My mom loved watching mysteries and romantic comedys, while my dad and I preferred to watch things like horror movies and South park.

The rest of the day went by pretty slowly, which I was thankful for because I really didn't want to go to school because of the recent event. But none the less I forced myself, saying it would keep me busy and give me at least some physical fitness instead of just lying around the house. I had dropped P.E as a class and pretty much the only sport I could do was swimming. I wasn't a very fast sprinter, but I could at least swim some endurance, namely 30 laps at 50%. Even that for an athlete is like nothing, but I'm not an athlete so it's a lot more difficult.

I got to school and walked down the overcrowded hallways, eventually reaching my locker. I never really used it but figured I could use a little less strain on my shoulder. I'm surprised I still remembered the code. I started unpacking my uneccesary books into it before slamming it shut and locking it. I fixed my satchels position on my shoulder and walked to my register class cause I had nothing else to do and the bell was gonna ring any moment.

I'm a major introvert. I don't really like talking to people.when I sat down in a seat, I made sure to sit near the back. There were a couple people that I recognised. Some jocks, nerds,extroverts and fashion forward fangirls which to be honest...i had no interest in.

I waited for the 15 minute registration period to end while lightly tapping my pencil on the desk. The bell rang signalling the students to go to their first class but no one moved. We had maths as our first lesson and it was in our homeroom. I couldn't concentrate. I tried doing the assignment as best I could, but probably got most of the answers wrong. I took out my sketchbook and started sketching a picture of Maggie. Not because I regretted my decision or I missed her or anything(cause I really didn't). But to remind myself never to end up doing the same thing again.

I finished that sketch and moved on to drawing a few doodles. I tried experimenting with my style a couple times. I ended up hating them and angrily erasing it. Unsatisfied with myself I got up as soon as the bell rang and walked off to my next class. I hadn't cared enough to memorize the classes and subjects I had so I usually just followed the rest of the students.

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