I'm guessing you didn't sleep well either

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Alex's P.O.V
I slumped forward and held my coffee cup in both hands as I clicked my neck, noticing Imp cringe a little at the sound. After a little while of staring aimlessly at the blank t.v screen, I looked to the side at Imp. "So I'm guessing you didn't sleep well either." He snapped out of his half asleep daze and glanced over at me, leaning back against the backrest"what makes you think that?" "Well I know that it's only 6:30 and everyone in this house sleeps a lot! I also know that you have dark rings under your eyes, meaning you didn't get enough sleep. You're drinking water trying to cure a headache and you're day dreaming." I replied and downed the last bit of my coffee. "Wow, ur a pro at this!" He sat up a little straighter before slumping over into the same position I was in. I inhaled, stood up and stretched before walking to the kitchen to wash my mug. "I learn from experience."

David's P.O.V
Just...a few more minutes. I slowly opened my eyes and realised I wasn't in my room. What the?! I turned over and saw Angie's small figure sleeping next to me. I must've fallen asleep after the movie last night. I smiled and slowly lay down again, gently hugging her around the waist, trying not to wake her up. I listened to her soft breathing and almost instantly fell asleep again. I'll wake up eventually, just...not right now.

Alex's P.O.V
I finally realised that I hadn't showered since I got here and took out my army green bomber jacket with jeans and a black turtle neck. Of course I brought my bandana with as well, duh! Wasn't gonna let the others see I was weak. Ok Roger already knows, but the others don't so, j-just shut up! I got some shampoo and soap as well as deodorant and walked in the direction of the bathroom. I opened the door and entered, closing it again when I was inside. I turned on the water and rinsed myself off, washing my hair and burning my eyes in the process"God dammit!"I mumbled to myself as I dried myself off when I was done. I got dressed and sat upside down on the couch so my legs were dangling over the backrest and my back was on the seat.

Imp's P.O.V
Oooooo. A perfectly comfortable seat! I sat down on top of Alex just to see how much it would annoy him. He growled and I giggled behind my hand while trying to keep a straight face. I shifted a little so my legs were over his side and I was sitting on his stomach. He squirmed a little, but soon gave up and stopped resisting. "Haha! I am king once more!!" he  rolled his eyes and blew his hair out of his eye, flailing as it flopped back again. I was always a sucker for angst hair styles, although they never looked right on me. "pft! In your dreams!" he said as he randomly picked up the one end of my old brown scarf. "what is this!?!" I looked slightly confused and raised an eyebrow. "mmmyyy scarf?"

"this isn't a scarf! It's more of just a torn piece of clothe now!" he put an arm around my waist and set me down on the couch, getting a terrified squeak outta me. Wait... Was he just acting vulnerable this whole time? That sneaky little bastard... Still sweet though. He got up and sprinted up the stairs to his room, coming back down with a scarf similar to mine only newer and the color was red. He took my old scarf off my neck. I instantly covered my neck with my hands, not wanting to expose my weakness. This got me a slightly suspicious look from him, but he shrugged it off and put the newer scarf on me. "here!" he patted my head and crossed his his arms as he examined how it looked on me. "looks better on you anyways" "what?" I was pretty confused and pulled my ears back. He rolled his eyes and waved a hand"keep it. I never wore it anyway. "

I realized what he was doing and my eyes lit up with glee. I felt the soft material run through my fingers as I held a goofy smile. "thank you!" I got up to hug him and flung my arms open. He held a hand out and put his palm on my forehead. My arms were to short to reach him so I just failed my arms in front of me. He laughed hysterically at my flailing before patting my head and pulling out a random pair of spectacles. Can this dude be any more good looking? He put them on. Oh wait... Yes he can.

Angie's P.O.V
"daviiiiiiid!" I whisper yelled as I tried gently shaking him awake. I wanted to get up but he was hugging me and I was sorta trapped.  Great! He mumbled something in his sleep and snuggled into me. I couldn't help but smile and I started playing with his hair. Guess I'll just have to wait till he wakes up. I swear he's such a baby sometimes.

David's P.O.V
I may be asleep, but I'm still conscious. I know exactly what I'm doing. And I'm succeeding!

(A/N:hey mah homies! How ya been? You like the little Dangie(David x Angie) fluff I put in? Cute right?.... Yeaaaahh, I know you love It. ANYWAY!!! the cover of the book has nothing to do with the story actually, I'm sorry bout that. I drew a Pic of my newly adopted raptor baby and just had to draw him! I didn't have a cover for the book either so I decided to use that as one until I make one that actually corresponds with the book. Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy and bye bye for now my little chickens
-mama house plant)

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