Why not?

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Alex's P.O.V
There's no point in arguing, so why not? I let him lay there while I sketched, him watching over my shoulder the entire time. I found it kinda scary since I didn't really like people watching me. He decided it was a good idea to pressurise me even more by playing with my hair. Mandy was scribbling away at her page, tilting her head constantly. I looked at her and smiled, chuckling a little when she giggled at her apparently funny little stick men. I was getting used to Imp being there and to be honest, I was pretty content. I couldn't help it and my tail started wagging.

Imp's P.O.V
I looked back and saw Alex swinging his legs a little and his tail was wagging. He seems happy. My mission is succeeding! I still can't believe how soft his hair is. I carried on playing with his hair. I looked over his shoulder at his sketch. How? How is he so good?"How is this possible!?!?"I asked and he raised an eyebrow. "How do you do that!?!?"I pointed to the sketch and back at him. He just laughed"I know..its So bad." "I find that really hard to believe!"I frowned and stretched before getting up. I headed to the cabinet and rummaged for a good horror movie."wanna watch a movie?" "Sure, but if it's gonna be a horror, I need to get this innocent thing"he gestured to Mandy"to bed." "Sure, you wanna pick one or should I?" He got up and picked up Mandy, who was already yawning. "You go ahead, I'll get her tucked in." He walked to Mandy room and softly hummed to her. I walked past to fetch some blankets and pillows from my room when I witnessed the sweetest thing I've seen in years.

Alex's P.O.V
I hummed to her as I tucked her in and sat on the edge of her bed. I tucked her in and she smiled sleepily at me, reaching a hand out to me. I put my pawn against hers and she slowly intertwined her small fingers with mine. I smiled as she looked at our hands and tilted them at different angles in the small rays of light that entered the room through the curtains. I don't know why but I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. I think I saw someone move outside the door but I didn't really care. The poor kid. It must be horrible not having any parents or guardians to look after and love you. I'll try my best to protect her, she needs me. I slowly got up and turned off her light, closing the door on the way out. I walked out the room and upstairs to get changed. I came back down with a loose shirt and boxers on. I got back to the lounge and stretched, only to find a fort built on the middle of the room. "What the-" i stopped mid stretch and tilted my head.

Imp's P.O.V
Nose bleed incoming. "Pillows+blankets=fort!"I cut him off and popped my head out of the entrance of the fort." And I chose a scary movie so I needed some form of comfort." He chuckled and asked what movie. I held up the cover and grinned evilly. He rubbed the brim of his nose like he was disappointed"cabin fever!? Don't get me wrong I love the movie. But it's not even scary!" I pointed at him accusingly and pouted over dramaically"hey I'm still an innocent little boy!"I crossed my arms. He laughed and shook his head, finding a spot next to me in the fort"sure, whatever you say sad boi." I chuckled a little and shuffled up a little so he had more space. He shuffled a little until he was slouching against the back wall of the fort. I pulled a blanket over him, but forgot mine so I leaned back and let him have it.

Alex's P.O.V
"Nah uh!"I took part of the blanket and wrapped it around him, making sure he had enough. "I ain't gonna let you freeze!!" He chuckled and accepted it. He jumped a couple times during the movie and I patted his head for reassurance when he did. He looked over at me and squinted, smiling and sticking his tongue out so he ended up looking super derpy. When the movie ended I got up and stretched. "Well, I'm beat, imma call it a night." He sleepily looked up and just managed to get out"but im"yawn"not sleepy yet!" And falling asleep. I gently nudged him and tried to wake him up. That plan failed. I somehow picked him up and tucked him in, strugglig a little but he was pretty light so I managed. I stumbled to my Room and flopped on the bed, but battling to fall asleep. I never sleep well anymore.

Imp's P.O.V
What? I lifted my head slightly. How'd I end up here? Damn. I'm too tired to try figure it out now. I put my head back down and tried to go back to sleep, but failed. I haven't slept well in ages. I lay there just staring at the ceiling for a while until I eventually, managed to drift off into a light sleep. But even then I would wake up at even the slightest noise.

No one's P.O.V
Imp found sleep pointless and got up pretty early. He walked into the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. He sat on the couch and sipped his water, staring aimlessly at the wall.

Alex slowly sat up and got out of bed. He had the usual headache and stumbled like a drunkard down the stairs and in the direction of the kitchen. He made some coffee and asked imp if he wanted. Imp held up his glass and Alex got the gesture. He walked to the couch and sat down, slouching against the backrest.

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