Please Come Back

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Alex's P.O.V
The next 2 days went by really slowly. I hadn't eaten much cause I was worrying and my head was throbbing with a splitting headache. I hadn't slept at all and Imp still hadn't answered any of my texts or calls. "h-hey David?" I called to him in the kitchen from the lounge. "hhhhm?" he glanced up before going back to cooking something in a pan. "hey uuh have you talked to Imp at all? Uh he's not answering any of my calls or texts" I was genuinely worried and stared at my phone, hoping like hell he would answer. He didn't though. "Nooo, why? Did something happen?" I snapped out of my daze and stood up.

"I-I said some things I shouldn't have, b-but I'm gonna fix this! I'm gonna find him!" I fixed my orange tracksuit top and slung my green bomber jacket over my shoulder. I made my way through the forest and in the direction of the city. I didn't take the car but walked instead, hoping it would be easier to retrace his steps.

Imp's P.O.V
I stood in the crowd of people that gathered outside a small restaurant. I can't remember what I was doing there, but.. I didn't really care to be honest. I just felt kinda dead. I stood there aimlessly looking around a bit before reading the plague on the statue in front of the fountain.

Alex's P.O.V
I walked throughout almost the entire city and I still couldn't find him. I was suffering from fatigue due to the stress and loss of sleep. I stumbled aimlessly towards the city center, just searching for any sign of him. I ended up in a crowd of people and looked around helplessly.

As I turned to the right I caught a glimpse of something red and thought it was his scarf, but I was mistaken. I slumped down on the bench next to me and held my face in my hands. I sat there for a couple minutes, thinking of how much of an ass I was.

I ran my hands through my hair, gripping it and looked up. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things and got up. The familiar blue shirt, big ears, Grey pants and red scarf were the most reassuring site I've ever seen. Despite my exhaustion I sprinted as fast as I could in his direction, apologizing as I pushed past some people in the crowd. I ran over and put a hand on his shoulder, turning his back m to face me"Roger!?"he looked, dead inside. His face drained of all emotion. His mood only got sadder when he saw me though. I gently held his face in my hands" God Imp, I-I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have said the things I did! I was such an asshole!"I picked him up by the waist and hugged him, his legs dangling off the ground.

I never really did this but when I did, he always loved it" God... Imp I-I'm so sorry! I hope you know that"i buried my face in his shoulder and hugged him tight. I sniffed a little and he didn't respond"please"i pleaded in a helpless whisper"please come back.. I've been worried sick."

He sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around my neck before burying his face in my tracksuit. I gave a short weak laugh and gently set him down." please tell me that's a yes..." he gave one short chuckle and shoved his hands in his pants pockets." o-oh here!" I put my jacket over his shoulders and side hugged him. I started walking, hoping he would do the same. My mood instantly lifted when he did. I smiled and hugged him tighter"im really sorry. I didn't mean it. You're one of the strongest people I know, way stronger than I could ever be! I hope you know that..." his only response was leaning into the hug and resting his head against my shoulder.

I looked down at him and smiled" you look tired..." he all of a sudden stopped and made gabby hands. I sighed and picked him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist before resting his head on my shoulder. I gave a small chuckle and carried him the rest of the way. He slept the whole time and when we got back,I tucked him into his bed. I didn't care about anything else, I was just so happy he was back. It was raining lightly when he finally woke up. The sun was just starting to go down and I was standing on the porch with my nose in the rain. Feeling the drops fall on it.

Imp's P.O.V
I stumbled to the lounge and saw Alex wasn't there. David patted me on the back and welcomed me back. He said that Alex was super worried about me and that he hadn't eaten or slept in the past 2 days. I forgive him. People say stupid things they don't mean, this was one of those things. I found him on the porch and silently walked over to him, rubbing my eyes.

"it's wonderful," he said with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face as the water fell on it. "scuse?" I asked a little confused. "rain, I love it." he looked over at me for a second before going back to his previous position. "well I really don't l-" I was cut off by a mumble"almost as much as I love you"and before I could say anything he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out onto the grass"its just water see!" he lifted his face to the sky and held his hands out, catching water. I groaned cause I really didn't like rain." but water is wet and I don't like rain."

He silently stated" it's beautiful" and inhaled deeply. I looked up at him and saw the way the light reflected off his smooth skin. The way his horns cast the most beautiful shadows on his face. His wet hair clinging to his skin and the droplets slowly falling down his nose. Hell! Even his scars were beautiful! The deep pinkish red tissue engraved into the side of his flawless cheek. He might not realize it, but he's undoubtedly one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen.

Before I let myself think I pulled him down by the collar and kissed his perfect lips. I didn't kiss him for long and by the time he opened his eyes I was already walking back inside"its cold moron I'm going inside!"

(A/N:heyaaaaaaas!!!! Also!! The Pic is still a wip, inching closer to the finished product tho! (lemme know if I should make an art book for yall) Dis was fun to write!! Also please leave drawing suggestions in the comments! It'll be much appreciated ^w^. They thought they were just friends, but le kisses are happening more often and le bondies are strong!!! //stands on a rock with spear in the ground. Looks heroic as my hair blows in the wind//but anyway that's all for now my lovelies!
-mama houseplant)

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