He looks...sad

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Alex's P.O.V
We got inside and i put mamdy down. She yawned and decided my leg was comfy so she sat on my foot and hugged my leg. "Eeeeeehh!!!"i groaned as I tried to walk, but failed, flopping onto the couch. I pouted overdramatically and crossed my arms. "Now I know what handicaps feel like"I rolled my eyes. Imp chuckled and sat on the arm of the couch. He randomly started playing with my hair. Normally I would resist and sit up or something, but Mandy was now lying on top of me, using me as a pillow. It also felt nice so I stayed where I was.

Imp's P.O.V
Holy shit! How is his hair so soft!?!?!? Well I'm glad he's not moving away or getting up, cause I could do this all day. He must be tired cause he's fallen asleep. I yawned and rested my head on the backrest of the couch, still playing with his hair. How is he asleep if he's just had coffee? Who cares, he's adorable when he sleeps...in a gross, awkward kinda way I guess? Mandy really like him. He'd make a good dad.

David's P.O.V
I walked into the lounge after watching a horror movie with Angie. Heh that girl is such a sadist. She laughed almost every time someone got killed. Aaaaaawww! Alex and Roger have fallen asleep. I ship it. I swear the 3 of them could be vampires, sleeping during the day and up at night. I chuckled and retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge, making my way back to Angie. Gonna play call of duty. Nothing better than playing video games with her, she beats my ass almost everytime, but it's fun.

Alex's P.O.V
Damn! What time is it? I slowly lifted my head and saw that Mandy had fallen asleep and so had Roger. He looked super uncomfortable. I don't know how to help. After contemplating what I should do for a few minutes I dragged him onto the couch. Ew! Physical contact. For an introvert this is really awkward, at least he's warm. I've now got a giant blanket. Mandy isnt contributing to the blanket much. She's just curled up into a little ball. I didn't really have anything else to do so I went back to sleep.

Imp's P.O.V
Oh shit! What do I Do!?!?! I am in very close proximity to him. I mentally freaked out for a little bit, but instantly calmed down when he shuffled in his sleep and pulled us both closer. Shame, he tries so hard to look tough, but on the inside he's just a big teddy bear. That's it! From this day forth I swear to look after the poor bean! No, I can't fall asleep, not now...just...a...little lon-

Alex's P.O.V
I woke up to Mandy trying to get my attention. Imp was gone...sad. oh wait, he's in the kitchen. And it looks like he's makiiiiiinnggg...FOOD!!! But apparently what Mandy was showing me was important so I grogilly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Turns out all she wanted to show me was a picture she drew. I told her it looked great(even though it wa just a few stick figure and trees)and looked over at Imp. He looks...sad. I wasnt too sure on how I Could help him, cause I just met him and decided to let it slide. I wanna help, but I just don't know how. I told Mandy I would draw with her later and walked over to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter and looked at him, seeing how long it would take for him to notice. He looked really concentrated, but also tired. I tried to stay as stealthy as I could, but it didn't last long because I sneezed. And for some reason it sounded really small, like a kittens. Dear Lord I hate it!

Imp's P.O.V
"Aaaàaw! That was adorable!"I grinned." Shut up!" He growled and flicked his hair out of his eye, only to have it flopping back there again. "But it's the truth"I smirked slightly and went back to my eggs. "Yeah Well! U-ur adorable!"He angrily muttered, I think it was supposed to be a comeback. Man did he fail horribly! I blushed.I'll accept the compliment though."what was that?"I asked, raising an eyebrow to see if he was brave enough to repeat his previous statement."n-nothing!"he stuttered and I chuckled. "Ok kittyboi, just eat somming so you don't starve to death." I put a plate with an egg on a piece of toast in front of him."oh, thanks" he gratefully took the plate and ate the contents"this is good, u cook?" I stopped, somehow slightly confused by his question. I think I'm just tired."mm not really, I basically only do simple things. My brain doesn't have the capacity to be able to hold all that knowledge."I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck."Well it's good! I usually don't make food,"he said as he finished the last of his toast."Heh, thanks". He got up and headed upstairs, saluting me as he left. I laughed, finding this hilarious for some reason.

Alex's P.O.V
I went to my Room and got my art supplies, shoving everything into my pencil case and came down with my sketchbook. I found a spot on the floor next to Mandy and pulled out my mechanical pencil. I started sketching her. Failing cause my drawing skills were for some reason at an all time low. I lay on ,y stomach and carried on sketching her which was kinda hard because she kept tilting her head to look at her little scribbles. Her ears flopping forward, making her look even more adorable. I gasped as I felt a weight on my back."are you...sitting on me!?!?!?"I tried looking around but my neck was a little stiff from sleeping on the couch. "Maybe" I sighed"really? Really Roger?" At this point I didn't see a point in trying and moved on to sketching the background of my picture. The only response from him was"don't call me that Alexander." "Well why not Roger dear? Iz a noice name." His response was"alright that's it!"and he lay across me so I couldn't move. "Aaaaah! Feckin dammit!!"

(A/N:and there we have em...my little bisexual boys 0w0 hope u like the story...i suck at this. But anywho! I'm trying to draw(I'm failing horribly)but I'm trying ;~;)

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