Best day...

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Dad's P.O.V
That poor boy. I mean, he's grown up and independent now.Heck! He even moved into a house with his girlfriend and he's only 18! But she was a bitch and I've had my fair share of break-ups in my day so I would know what a bitch looks like. He's changed, not too much, but you can see it. He's not as open as he was before. He's probably not gonna be the same again. It happens. He's a good kid though. Heel find someone to love him, I know it. In a way I'm kinda glad he's back. I've missed him. But anyway, I know he's not gonna stay long so I must get too attached.

Alex's P.O.V
I'm still sick as he'll, but hey, it's Friday. Friday is best day! I lay in bed and curled up on my side, looking out the window and watching the birds coming and going. I'm not planning on getting up for a while, oooor at all for that matter. Kitty was lying next to me with her head resting on my shoulder, invading my space as per usual. I put my hand over her face and shook it a little, trying to annoy her. She got a fright and meowed, latching onto my arm again. I chuckled and let go, Kitty holding my arm and licking it as some sort of apology for grabbing it. I coughed, but smiled and curled up further, hugging her close and trying to fall asleep. She purred and I found it somewhat comforting.

After about 2 or 3 hours of restless sleeping, I opened my eyes and inhaled deeply. Kitty seemed to notice to notice this and rolled over, stretching and hitting my face with her paw in the process. I grumbled and rubbed my eyes while sleepily sitting up. The cat woke up to and stretched. I slowly got up to make sure I didn't vomit before slowly walking to the kitchen. I checked the clock. It said 1:45. While walking to the fridge to get some water and sustenance, Kitty was weaving herself in and out my ankles. I tried my best not to trip over her, taking my contents to the lounge. I checked the notification on my phone.
????:"hey dude u Ok? Y u not at classes today?"
Me:"sick, but alive...i-im sorry but who is this?"
???is typing
???:oh sorry, it's David😋"
Me:"oh yeah, hey David....wait, how'd u get my number?"
Oooh yeah, that jock from my homeroom. I never really talked to him, but he's pretty cool I guess. Don't know why he would wanna talk to a total nerd like me.
???is now saved as David
David:"oh from one of your old buddies who still had your number from a while back."
Me:"oooooh makes sense, well thanks for checking in I guess?"
David:"No problem, ur probs wondering why I'm talking to you huh?"
Me:"yeah, tbh I am"
David:"just feel like I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd, needed a change of scenery, I guess. I'm actually looking for some more roommates, having 3 isn't enough for me.... I get lonely😅"

Sssooooo that just happened. He's a nice guy I guess? Haven't seen him enough to know.
(A/N:look!!! I made art!!! In the media section at the top of the page!!! It so bad!!! But I like IT! The characters are:Shelbie(white wolf with scarf)and Max(black wolf). Shelbie Is mine and Max is my Ladybirds ^w^)

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