Panic Attack

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(Fg fyhc fyhc I is yelled a hyrghw yhhsrhgstvfxv dvgethbethg dvfethbethb bgrwgvr hyrwg r I don't know much about the styles of hhhhgggnn!!

-message sent by The Dread Noodle:3. @NoodleNisky )
(A/N:solly._.commie stole my tablet... 💊💊They is dergs(drugs) 💊💊and what I mean by that is they are my drug :v -w-)

Alex's P.O.V
Mandy had done her own thing the whole day and it was apparently pretty tiring. She waddled over to me and half hugged my leg cause she was pretty short. I picked her up and she instantly put her head on my shoulder. It had been a couple hours since Imp and I were outside and the rain had got really bad. It was stormy outside with thunder and lightning and all that shiz!

I walked to Mandy's room and tucked her in, humming as i stroked her hair. "good night papa." I got up and kissed her forehead"good night sweet child" before closing the door. I walked back to the lounge and realised that Imp still had my jacket. Come to think of it I haven't seen him in a couple hours"hey David, you seen Imp?"." probably having a panic attack in his room..."he answered bluntly." WHAT!?!"

" Yeeaaaahhh we've tried helping him but it never works. He always has these panic attacks when there's a storm like this." Without thinking I sprinted to his room upstairs. I looked around and found him on his bed. He was sitting with his knees at his chest and was slowly rocking back and forth, staring at the wall. He was biting his hand and sweating. I sat down next to him and hugged his head, trying to get him to stop shaking. It didn't really work so I got up"come on, let's go"and picked him up, carrying him to the bathroom. I got him his boxers and a sleep shirt before running a warm bath.

I helped him get undressed because he was too shocked to do it himself, and put him in. The one thing he managed to do though was cover his neck where his scarf would normally go. "I know you have scars" I gently tried moving his hands away but he wouldn't let me"i promise I won't judge, OK?"I smiled warmly and he reluctantly pulled his hands away. I ran the sponge down his shoulder and tilted my head slightly at the scars the littered his fragile neck." nothing a few kisses can't fix"i kissed every one of them and then his cheek before going back to bathing him. He was in to much shock to do anything really, but I could tell he appreciated the affection.

I got him dressed and carried him back to his bed,gently tucking him in under the blanket and practically spooning him.

Imp's P.O.V
He hugged me from behind and softly sang 'lavender's blue(dilly dilly)' as he drew a soft line from my neck down to my hip with his finger. It was really comforting. I was a lot calmer than before. I curled up a little and he hugged me tighter, pulling me close. He continued his singing and drawing while I tried my best to fall asleep.

Every now and then he would kiss my hair or my temple. I was practically in heaven, apart from the fact that I was still slightly having a panic attack. The rain got louder and I flinched a bit. I didn't mean to, but a small whimper escaped my throat and he instantly pulled the blanket over our ears. It muffled the sound a bit and I tried to focus on something else. His singing became a slightly blurred out noise as I heard the faint rhythmic pattern of his heartbeat. The rain had almost completely faded away when I focused on his heartbeat and breathes. The way his nose whistled in the slightest way, but you were still able to hear his short, monotone breathes.

The singing seemed to be at the perfect pitch, even though he was whispering. It made a symphony as it mixed with his breathing and heartbeat. "lavender's blue dilly dilly" he drew a line up my arm and to my finger tips, but almost stopped at my ring finger, examining it"lavender's green
When I am king dilly dilly"he intertwined his fingers with mine and rested his face in the crook of my neck"You shall be queen"

I smiled at this statement and curled up a little. After a few minutes I finally managed to get some sort of words out of my mouth"h-hey A-Alex?"he yawned and whispered back" yeah?"" I-I l-love you..."i felt super nervous because I didn't know how he would react and I really didn't want him to leave. A second or so passed and he answered in a soft whisper" I only met you about a month and a half ago..." my heart sank."but I don't like lying, so I love you too" he tenderly kissed the side of my neck"more than you can ever imagine"my smile widened and I took the hand I was holding with my free hand and held it close to my chest. I lifted his hand a little and brought it to my mouth. I kissed it and kept it close to my face.

(A/N:sooooo the Dread Noodle was over at my place today... All the life was drained out my body when they went home. I miss them already! My one pillow has their scent and I'm not letting go of it. I'm cuddling that pillow tonight and no one can stop me!!!... I have issues._. ......but they is meh derg! And dergs are addictive! I can't help it if I'm a junkee for my derg! I love my derg!
Also I should really write longer chapters🤔
Anyway sleep well my little chickens and stay safe!
-mama house plant)

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