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The day was long. When the last bell of the day rang we all had to wait for the announcements to be read out to us. As soon as the teacher had finished rambling, I got up and sped to my pickup. Trying to get out of the school as quick as possible. I got in and started the engine. It didn't sound too good, I'll probably have to try fix that when I get back. It's probably the spark plug dying again.

I drove home and shoved my bag on the bed. I took my shirt off cause I didn't want it to get dirty and got a rag and some tools. The spark plug was dying, as I predicted and got a spare one from the garage.

Mom's P.O.V
"I'm worried Andrew...he doesn't seem like himself"I sighed and carried on with my knitting. I was knitting a blue sweater for Alex seeing as it was his favourite color. "Give him time, Martha...he ,ightve changed. These things happen" my husband looked up from his daily newspaper. I looked at him and smile dapologetically"I know, but he's our baby boy, I don't want him to change"I chuckled before bringing the 2 mugs on the table into the kitchen. "Change is inevitable dear..."I stopped and contemplated those words for a little bit before replying softly"I know dear..."

Alex's P.O.V
I finished up replacing the spark, putting the dead one in the bin. I tiredly walked into the house and sat on the couch, trying not to get any oil or diesel on it. My mom looked at me and thought I didn't notice. But I did. I saw her out of the corner of my eye. I looked at her and she looked back at her knitting, pulling out a few stitches. I looked at her for a little bit before asking"everything ok?" To which she nodded and sighed." But are you alright Alley?"

I pondered on that question for a bit, finally replying with"yeah, just tired of being pushed around..." I looked at my Tomy's before looking up at her." I won't let it happen anymore though...i don't need anyone"

"Good for you, Alexander."My father said with a smile, look in up from his newspaper. I smiled as a response and slowly got up."I'm pretty tired, if you don't see me till tomorrow, I'm either dead or sleeping" I walked off to the bathroom and got my clothes. I turned on the water in the shower once more and climbed in, Washing my hair and fur as best I could. I got out and put my boxers on drying my hair with the small towel. I looked in the mirror and put my hands on either side of the sink, looking at the long scars on my face. I sighed and squeezed the sides of the sink.

After a little more disappointing reflecting, I walked back to the room. I saw kitty on the bed with her tail flicking and her pupils big. She looked stressed. I sat on the edge of the bed and she instantly crawled onto my lap."what's wrong bubs?"I asked quietly and stroked her back. She just gave a few awkward short meows and lay on my lap. She must've been stressed about me Going to school. She's used to staying in the similar apartment that I lived in with Maggie. I rocked back and forth slowly while cradling her like a baby and she calmed down. I leaned back and lay down, trying to comfort her.

The night was long and I couldn't sleep much. I felt sick. Nauseas. I thought it was just lack of sleep and tried closing my eyes, but as soon as Kitty moved on my stomach, I got up and ran to the bathroom. I got up from the floor in front of the toilet and turned around to look in the mirror. I looked like a broken mess. My hair was slick and plastered to my face, my eyes having dark rings around them and my general appearance being sad and depressing ,really. I stumbled out the bathroom and glanced to the right. My mom was up. She sleepily walked over to me and put a hand on my cheek."are you alright? I heard you up and thought I'd check on you,"she yawned. "I'm fine mom, just a bit sick. I'm not going to school tomorrow I don't think." She felt my forehead"you're burning up, go to bed. I'll get you some medicine" I nodded and stumbled back to the room.

Mom came back in with a cold cloth and some pills. She gave me the pills and put the cloth on my forehead."holler if you need anything." She kissed my forehead and I gratefully smiled at her. "Thanks mommy dearest, but I can take care of myself" she chuckled and gently ruffled my hair"you were my little baby boy, dependent on me for everything, like yesterday!"" That was 17 years ago mom, I'm a big boy now, I'm almost 19!" She smiled and walked to the door"I know, bit try get some sleep now, ok?" I nodded again and sunk into the blankets, still feeling sick but I could already feel the medicine working.

(A/N:sorry guys if I don't update for set periods. This book is totally experimental and I don't have a set time limit by which I update on chapters cause I have school, drawing, family and ya know....stuff. But I hope you understand and you enjoy the book. Thankies my little dandelions ^w^)
(Also, I know I said this was a furry story, but their original designs were human so you can decide what they are as ur reading the book. Fun right? Right?.....anywho I kinda see them as human cause idk, I'm an idiotic house plant who lives for drawing(event though Im pretty bad at it and pressurise myself too much...)

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