I'm A Perve... Just Accept It!

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David's P.O.V
I stood at the entrance of Imp's room, just outside the door. It was cracked open just a bit and I had my phone out. I was silently recording Alex singing to Imp. It was so cute! My one baby looking after my other baby! I don't know how he does it, he always seems to make little Roger happy.
I stood there for a little while until Ang walked up to me and teased"babe...what have I told you about being creepy around the kids?"she always seems to sneak up on me at the worst times. I sighed and hung my head in shame" it's not good for mine or their health..."i teased back and she ruffled my hair with a smug grin. I looked up and pointed an accusing finger at her while whispering" I'm a perve... Just deal with it!"

"oh I know you are!"she ruffled my hair and started walking down stairs" oooohhhh no you don't! Come ere!"I grab-hugged her from behind and picked her up. She squealed in shock and squirmed a little. I jogged downstairs and gently flopped her down on the couch. She squealed again and I laughed at her adorableness.

I decided to be evil and kneeled down on the couch, looming over her. She looked a little shocked at first and I mastered a smug grin. She suddenly got worried and tried to squirm underneath me. That is, until I started tickling her. She squealed and squirmed a bit"reeeeeeee!" before letting out her laughter, not being able to contain it any longer. She squeaked and snorted occasionally, which I of course thought was adorable." I-I hate you!" she managed to squeak in between laughing and catching her breath.

I leaned down closer to her face and tickled her neck"c'mon! U know u love meh!" she scrunched up her neck and frowned, while trying to keep a straight face" no! I really don't!"she failed, cause I started poking her and she scrunched up her face and laughed" oooohhhh come on! Admit it! I'm your dashing king in shining armour"i put a hand on my chest"oooh reeeeaaaallllyyy. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be knight not king. And what am I supposed to be then?"I leaned in closer and kissed her nose" duh! The queen of course!"

" your stupidity makes you adorkable!"she stated as she pulled me down by the collar and kissed me, wrapping her legs around my waist to stop me from moving." duh! Why do you think I act like an idiot all the time?" she chuckled and suddenly pulled off my shirt. OK then. I slowly Un buttoned her shirt, making sure she was OK with it. She didn't react to it and kissed my neck with her hands in my hair. I carried on unbuttoning her shirt, eventually pulling it off.

Imp's P.O.V
He says he loves me... I-I hope he's not lying. I wanted to ask him why. Why he loved me and I turned over slightly to look at him. He was sleeping. I must be a handful. I feel really guilty being so difficult. Yet again, if he didn't love me, he wouldn't have helped me like he did. He's so cute when he sleeps. I mean, he drools but that's adorable right? Riiiiggghhtt. I rolled over and smiled, watching him sleep for a bit. He sneezed, waking himself up. I couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable the sight in front of me was. "shut up I'm not cute!!" he protested and I gently petted his head. "no you're not cute, you're fricken adorable!" I answered and giggled behind my hand. He gave up and sighed, letting his head sink into the pillow, smushing his face a little. I chuckled"my point exactly"and put a hand on his cheek, tracing his jaw with my thumb.

He reached for me and pulled me closer. I buried my face in his chest. "Alex?" "mhm?" I stumbled trying to find the right way to put it"why do you love me, o-of all people?" he sighed and rested his head on top of mine" because I've loved enough good and bad people to know the difference between the two, and you my stargazer are the best person I've met" I gave a content sigh of relief and wrapped my arm around him, my other tracing his collarbone. "I guess that makes you a shooting star..." he smiled with his eyes closed"how so?"" well because stargazers tend to stare at them like creeps for long periods of time because they're so beautiful"

He chuckled"youre to precious for this world you know that?" I giggled and tightened my hug. I was on the brink of passing out but asked politely as I yawned" sing to me?" He sighed, thinking for a bit before softly singing 'somewhere over the rainbow'.

(A/N:wassup all mah chickens? Heh lol! The Dread Noodle came to my house and we found this Lil box they gave me full of trinkets like 3 years ago. We found a pen cap with a spring shoved in it and it was like mega ass bouncy. Noddle asked"wait... Is... Is this one of those spinny dildo things?.... Jordan!?!?!" I laughed my fat ass off and replied" hey don't look at me you gave it to me" and we both broke down laughing! Also, we chilled on the floor a lot, I slid off the bed and hid under my desk, looking almost exactly like this one Tom picture where he looked like he was trapped in a box. I made a weird noise and they told me I was adorable. I denied and said that I could be scary and that I didn't like them anymore. They won me over with cuddles. I figured out that apparently they see me as monster Tom and I kinda see them as past tord or chibi tord or even steam punk tord(I haven't decided yet)
But anywho, yall naughty naughty kiddos thought I was gonna like mega sin? Sorry mah dudes//sips coffee//this book is strictly fluff//nods head//yup, fluff fo days...... End my suffering :v)

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