Accidents Happen

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Alex's P.O.V
I stepped ou of the fort and stretched,being only in my boxers cause I had to change soon anyway. David seemed pretty annoyed and tapped his foot with his arms crossed, staring at the fort. I came out and looked at him sceptically"uuuuhhh you ok?" he snapped out of it and chuckled, looking at my stomach" woah, cover up ya fricken body builder!"referring to my flat stomach. I teased back" shut up fatass!"seeing as he was mega built. He literally picked up imp and I on either of his shoulders! It was fun... But... Also terrifying!

Imp popped his head out of the fort." hey now, you wouldn't wanna take on your old man would you?"David raised an eyebrow and I pulled a butter knife off the kitchen counter." don't test me old man! I gotta challenge the alpha at some point!"I waved the knife in front of his face. He chuckled and raised his hands while singing 'take on me'. I play stabbed him a couple times with the knife and he pretended to be hurt." fight fight fight fight!!"I heard imp yell from the fort.

After a while of David poking me as his defense and me jabbing him with the butter knife, he finally pretended to die." Yes! I am alpha now!! I can rule the world at this point!"and punched the air. Imp giggled. David grabbed my leg and held me upside down, poking my stomach. I yelled and curled up cause it tickled and attempted prying his hand off my leg.
" oh no you don't! I am alpha! I am superior you inferior omega!"he said and poked me a couple more times. I grabbed hold of his arm and stuck my tongue out" I will lick you! I swear I will!" David looked intensely distressed but didn't want to let go of my leg" you, wouldn't, dare!" I liked his arm and he dropped me" oof!"I landed on the floor with a thud. David wiped the spit off his arm and imp was rolling around, laughing hysterically. I groaned and rubbed my head, slowly crawling over to him because I was in pain. He pouted and kissed my head. I groaned and pointed accusingly at David. "He's a very dangerous man!!!" I yelled and imp giggled behind his hand. "you're a very dangerous man!" he poked my chest and crawled out the fort.

"w-wait! Where are you going!?!" I asked him and desperately reached for him. "well I'm going to work with you today... Remember?" he turned his head to look at me and stretched. "oh yeaaahhh, work."i sighed and got up. Walking upstairs to take a shower in the bathroom in Imp's room and change into my uniform. I got out the shower and dried my hair with another towel, having one around my waist. I walked back to my room and changed into the uniform from before, my bow tie and stuff. I saw Imp's door was closed and I knocked calling to him"hey Rog you almost ready?"" just gimme a minute"he called back. I walked downstairs and picked up Tux, snuggling him while leaning against the door.

"I'm done! Can we go now?" imp came jogging down the stairs,seeming pretty excited. "wow!" I looked him up and down in surprise. He looked really good. He was all dressed up. "too much? Sorry, I'll go change" "no no no! You look great!" I interlinked my arm with his and led him down the stairs. He had a white button up shirt on with a sleeveless jersey over it and light denim jeans to go with. He wasn't wearing shoes, but no one ever does around here. The thing that surprised me most was the fact that he didn't have his scarf on. He usually never takes it off. I told David I was going to work and Angie(of all people!) offered to look after Mandy and Tux for me. I thanked them and opened the passenger door for Imp.

He thanked me and got in, me doing the same as I slid into my seat. Before I started the pickup I looked over at him"you sure you wanna come? It's probably gonna be pretty boring" he nodded and smiled. I sighed and kissed his forehead before starting it up. We started off in the direction of town and I glanced over at him. He seemed to be fiddling with his collar, he looked a little nervous. "mah kween!" I said In a derpy way"is somming wrong?" he shook his head and smiled sheepishly over at me" N-no... I shoulda just brought your scarf, t-thats all"i couldn't look at him cause I was driving but smiled reassuringly"first:it's Your scarf and second:you don't need it, you're beautiful. I love your scars" he blushed but didn't say anything"and look look!!"I turned my head slightly and pointed at my scars" I'm not wearing my bandana either" he giggled and turned back to look out the window.

I stopped at a traffic light and side hugged him. He seemed pretty frail, probably still recovering from last night. He snuggled into my side and watched the light, making sure to sit up again when it turned green for us. I pulled away and started turning right when we heard brakes squealing and a crash. I blacked out. All I can remember thinking was"dear God! I left the DVD player on!" then the fact that something just happened hit me. I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. Everything was blurry at first, but it soon evened out. I saw the car was flipped, lying on its side. We were wearing our seat belts so the impact hadn't thrown us too far. I looked next to me and saw Imp was on the ground, trying weakly to sit up. I gasped and crawled over to him.

"Roger! Are you OK?" I winced as I tried to move my arm and it hurt. I saw that the debree from the shattered window had cut my arm in multiple places. Leaving small gashes all over it. Thank God it was the right one, because I use my left one to draw with. The cartlidge in my left ear had also broken causing my ear to flop forward. Imp looked like he had a broken leg and a few scrapes and bruises, but I was happy he wasn't seriously injured."y-yeah I'm fine, it's just my leg that hurts. Don't worry" he tried standing but winced and fell. I caught him and picked him up, putting my forehead against his as small tears rolled down his cheeks. I could feel a few on mine too. "it's my job to worry, but thank God you're OK" I whispered to him and he hugged me. After a few seconds I called an ambulance and gently put Roger down, going to check on the other driver. He didn't have a pulse. I sighed and walked back to where I left Imp. I sat down next to him and hugged him.

He looked concerned about my arm"it hurts like a bitch! But don't worry, it's just a flesh wound"i smiled at him"but your leg seems broken, we need to check that out!" he didn't speak, just kissed my cheek and buried his face in the side of my neck."the driver didn't make it did he?" he asked quietly and I shook my head. He sighed"howd this happen?" I gently pulled him onto my lap and hugged him tightly, making sure not to hurt his leg." must've tried jumping a light"i quietly told him while rocking back and forth slowly.

By the time the ambulance came, Imp had fallen asleep. I stood up and helped the paramedics with getting him into the ambulance. They told me I should take a separate ambulance but I told them I was fine and got in with Imp, resting my chin on the stretcher and watching him sleep, worry in my eyes. The paramedic dressed ym wounds on the way to the hospital and told me that my ear unfortunately couldn't be fixed. I didn't care, even though I had a little difficulty hearing out of it at first.

We arrived at the hospital and I checked us in, a few doctors asking questions. I asked the doctors not to ask Imp any questions because he was sleeping at the moment and told them I would answer for him. They were OK with it and I described what had happened. After they left, I sat at the side of the bed and watched him, making sure he was ok. He stirred  a little and woke up, rubbing his eyes and smiling sleepily at me. I stood up and he made grabby hands so I gently sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled me down and hugged me, playing with my hair. I wrapped my arms around his waist"good news, the doctor says it's only a broken leg"he slowly nodded"fine by me, but what about you?"he looked concerned and looked down a little. I buried my face in his chest" my ear can't be fixed and my arm has some nerve damage so it won't work quite as well as it used to. I'm just happy it'll work at all. Doctor says he can't operate on it." Imp looked really distressed and rested his head on top of mine" oh honey I'm sorry. I wish it was better. I wish I could take the pain" he sniffed and I looked up, putting my forehead against his"its not your fault, and I don't want to see you hurt so no! The pain is mine"i gave him a kiss and then kissed his forehead before shuffling up a little, wincing when my arm moved too suddenly. He chuckled and rested on my chest, practically using me as a pillow, avoiding my arm. I made sure to be gentle with his leg, even though it was already in a splint and tight bandage and ran my nails gently up and down his back. It probably didn't do much cause my nails were really short, I always picked on them. A bad habit I had.

Before I knew it he was asleep again and I lay back a little. I soon fell asleep too, hoping the nurses wouldn't chase me out of the bed.

(A/N:sooo yeah! This happened. Uuuuuummm, no work for Alex I guess? Yay! Also, waterpolo has started for me again, I have school and homework as well as end of year exams fast approaching. Wish me luck guys(cause imma die without it)! I should really study more instead of spending so much time on my tablet, but hey! At least a write and draw on it! So I guess it ok? Anywho, I'll try make some good(ish) art(cause to be honest my art is pretty useless right now) soon and I'm hoping to try and make some wiki entries for my characters on Amino! So yaaaayyy! I think...
But anyway I love yall my little chickens
You're stronger than you seem!
-mama houseplant/lemon kween)

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