Goodbye's and Hello's.

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I hugged Emily so tight that she was barely able to breath. "I'm gonna miss you so so much." I said, half crying.

She nodded. "I know. I'll miss you too. But I promise I'll visit you guys soon!"

I knew she said that just to calm me down, but those words did hurt.



"Promise me you won't forget about me, even though I'm on the other side of the planet. Promise me, we'll Skype all day and sometimes even all night." I smiled a little.

"Hahaha. How could I ever forget about you? You're my best friend, you'll always be. Don't doubt that."

I smiled at her. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too. Now get in the car, you've got a plane to catch."

I got in the car and blew Emily a kiss as soon as the car started moving. She waved at me, Screaming "I'll miss you!!" I was missing her already. "I'll miss you more." I yelled back at her.

I started crying. My mom looked at me and said "You'll be okay honey.  You'll love it there."

I must've fallen asleep after that, because when I opened my eyes again, we were at the airport.

When we got to the gate, I caught this blonde-haired boy staring at me.He was really handsome but it kinda freaked me out, so I started a conversation with my mom.

"How long will we be flying?" I asked, knowing that I didn't really care.

"I think eight or nine hours. Why?"

"Oh, just asking." I said while looking at the boy, wanting to know if he was still staring. But as soon as I looked at him, he turned his head away.

When I finally sat in my chair on the plane, I was hoping that the boy wouldn't sit near me. But of course, he did. As soon as he got to the chair next no me, he looked at me and smiled. God, he has a cute smile.

"I think you'll be my neighbour on this flight." He said, still half smiling.

"Obviously." I said, faking a smile.

This was gonna be a long flight.


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