Chapter 11.

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It's been a week since I've spoken to Luke. After what happened,  I never want to see him again. When my party ended, which was the moment I came home from the Boulevard, everybody except Calum headed home. Emily tried to apologise, but I didn't want to hear it. The next day, I sent her straight home. My mom tried to stop me, but she failed.

I haven't gone to school this whole week because I felt really sick. Jackie has been there for me. She came over every single day and she made me smile again. At least I have one real friend.

Luke tried to call me several times, but I never answered. He can go to hell. I thought he really liked me. But he didn't. Obviously, it was all just a game for him.

Calum and I have been talking a lot lately. He says Luke is terribly sorry for what he did. But I'm not planning on forgiving him. Calum is totally on my side and that helps me a lot with getting over it.

The sound of my ringtone wakes me up. A message. I don't want to open it, because it's from Emily. My curiousness wins from my hate for her. I decide to open it.

Emily: Hey, if you decide to open this text:

I know your still mad at me. But we really need to talk. I can explain everything. Call me. X- Em

Okay, well let the B*tch explain.

"This is Em speaking."

"Well hi Emily. Before you go totally mad because I'm calling you, don't expect a lot. Just explain."

"Well okay then. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I've had a huge crush  on Luke, not on Calum. So when I saw him kissing you at the beginning of your party, I got extremely jealous.  I know that that's not what Best Friends do, but I just couldn't help it. So I decided to take a kind of 'Revenge.' I know that's wrong. Everything I did that night was wrong. Don't blame Luke, please don't. It wasn't his fault. And if you're still mad at Luke, forgive him. I kinda pushed him into this. Yes, he was kissing me back. And yes,  I felt love. But he couldn't help it. When I told him I loved him, he didn't say it back. That means something don't you think?  Well that's my explanation. Do you forgive me?"

"At first: No I don't forgive you.  Second: You said you never lied to me. That includes lying about your crush.  Third: How the heck could you take revenge on me, for something that isn't even yours?! and Last: If he kissed you back and you felt love and he even decided to do it with you, then I see no reason to forgive him. Or to forgive you. Thank you for your explanation, but it doesn't change a thing. Bye Emily"  I ended the call abruptly and started to cry.

I hated her. I really did. But I think I had my revenge on her by hating her. And I had my revenge on Luke by kissing Calum. But I wasn't going to forgive Luke. Not before he told me his side of the story.


I couldn't stand the feeling of her never talking or even looking at me again. Calum still hangs out with her a lot. I hate that. Maybe I'm being too selfish or even jealous.

The day after the party, Sacha went to Mckenzie's place to talk to her. She said she totally understood Mckenzie. Obviously some picked a side.

She told Ashton everything Mckenzie said. But Ashton disagreed and said Mckenzie was overreacting. Sacha yelled at him that he didn't understand the situation Mckenzie was in. After all that Mckenzie has been through, He didn't understand Sacha's point of view. So they broke up.

Two days after their break up, Ashton went and bought Sacha beautiful flowers and asked her for forgiveness. She forgave him immediately when she saw the flowers. At least they can be happy together.

But right then and there, I just knew it.

I was going to get Mckenzie back. No matter what.


He isn't gonna call Mckenzie. He just doesn't care enough about you. I told myself every single day.

Until the day he actually called.

"Hey Mac."

"Don't call me Mac."

"Sorry. May I give you an explanation of what actually happened?"

"I've heard Emily's, but I want to hear yours too."

"Did you forgive Emily?" He asked slowly.

"None of your business.  Now explain." I answer harshly.

"Okay, but first of all; I Love You. I always have, I always will."

"Stop. Just stop Luke. If you ever really loved me, you wouldn't let me down like you did. Because if you really loved me. If  you ever did, doing it with by best friend isn't something you would do. Not even if she pushed you. You know what, I don't even want to hear your explanation. Good luck with your life."

I felt the tears coming. No, I'm not gonna cry for such a douche bag.

But I did.

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